Chapter hundred and sixty three

Chapter hundred and sixty three

McKenna sat with her leg crossed absentmindedly in Elena's office. She couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong. 

McKenna saw Elena's mouth move but she couldn't pick out a word she said. It was like watching mute movie.

"So, Chike asked me to be his girlfriend" Elena talked about what happened a few days ago in her room.

"Hmm" McKenna grunted. She was still lost in thought.

"Did you hear anything I just said?"

"Did you notice anything weird about Jason, lately?" McKenna asked instead.

"That he is back to his workaholic self, then yes. You are his girlfriend but he does have to keep his professional and personal life separate"

"Are you sure I am his girlfriend, Ellie? Because he won't look at me" McKenna could feel the fear she desperately tried to hide rise to the surface.