Chapter hundred and fifty nine

Chapter hundred and fifty nine

"Who would drag you out?" Jason understood what she said perfectly but he didn't what to believe it. Believing it made him angry for her.

"My grandmother" she screamed "She would make me stare at her grave....for hours. She would say, you did this. You killed her" She turned to face Jason "I am a killer!"

"Whose grave would your grandma make you look at on your birthday?" Jason was only grabbing bits and pieces from the story.

"My mother's. I killed my mother" she whispered like she just told him her deepest secret. "She died giving birth to me"

Jason froze. Was her childhood that horrible? What kind of a monster tells a child she was responsible for her mother's death and the child believed her? How was she able to be good after that? She didn't turn angry and shut out the entire world. Even with all the pain, she turned out to be the most beautiful soul he had the opportunity of meeting.