*Chapter hundred and sixty

Elena stirred but kept her eyes closed. She felt relaxed and she had a good dream. It's been a while since she had such peaceful rest. She tried to remember the reason but she was too lazy to. Instead, she settled for enjoying the feeling.

Wait! There was someone else in the room. No! There was someone else on her bed! Elena's eyes flew open instantaneously.

"Good morning, beautiful" 

Chike's voice came as a shock to her. What was he doing on her bed? Wait! This wasn't her room.

Chike had a calm smile as he waited patiently for his woman to piece last night event together in her mind. He was ready to give her all the time she needed.

"Oh, God?" Slowly, it dawned on Elena. She was naked beneath the bedsheets. Her hair was messed up and she was pretty sure her lips were a tad swollen. Wait! Did...did she give Chike a hickey? She looked closer at his neck. Crap! It was a hickey!

"Did last night happened?"