Chapter hundred and sixty seven

Chapter hundred and sixty seven

McKenna was restless all night. She rolled on her bed.

  'please Lord, make everything okay' she prayed.

She looked at the dress Mrs. L got for her and  it was beyond gorgeous. The gown was a pepper red sleeveless that was just the right cut and very fancy, she had never worn a designer cloth before. To compliment the dress she got herself a pair of expensive high heels, it burned holes into her savings but anything to make Jason the man she knew in Lagos.

She was so close to completing her mission, if only he would let her come to him. She counted the minutes as it went by.

By five in the evening, she was already preparing. Elena helped her dress and she was extraordinary in her outfit.

She looked like a paper cut out of a fashion magazine. Even a blind man could see how stunning she looked.

McKenna was flawless. It was just her heart that needed fixing.