Chapter hundred and sixty eight

Chapter hundred and sixty eight

McKenna parboiled the spaghetti and prepared the condiments.

Back in the dinning room, Jason picked at his appetizer slowly, he had no will to eat. Involuntarily, his eyes always darted to the kitchen, where McKenna was.

"Honey, we need more wine. Mckayla!" Amazing yelled from the dining room. As she waved the empty bottle of wine that was previously on the table in the air.

McKenna heard her but chose to ignore her.

"Her name is McKenna not Mckayla" she heard Jason correct his rude girlfriend. McKenna hoped he wouldn't. She needed another padlock to lock up her heart for good. 

Was the name McKenna too difficult for Jason's superficial girlfriend to remember? McKenna found out she always refer to Amazing as girlfriend not fiancee. It was a coping mechanism.

"Whatever. She should get more wine!" Amazing waved her hand nonchalantly in the air like learning the name was of no important.