Chapter hundred and sixty nine

Chapter hundred and sixty nine

Jason searched his street but McKenna wasn't in sight. He slowed down and searched the next street and the next but she wasn't there.

Elena kept calling his phone but he didn't pick up. He didn't know what to tell her, then Chike called his phone.

"Man, I messed up" 

"What is going on? Elena called me that you aren't picking up and that something is up with McKenna" Chike ascertained from his friend. He sounded worried too.

"It got out of hand. I will tell you all about it when we see. I got to go" Jason wanted to hang up, it was already difficult for him driving in the rain without adding a phone call to the mix.

"What should I tell Elena?"

"Tell Elena that I'm bringing her friend home, myself"

"Okay, but we may or not be on the way to your house"

"There is no need, turn back Chike" Jason urged him.

"I can't, because Elena is giving me 'the look', Yagazie"

"What Look?"