Chapter two hundred and four

Chapter two hundred and four

Mckenna clutched her bag tightly. She was trying to hide her anger. Things were going just fine until the manager got the call. She could guess who called him but she refused to jump into conclusion.

"But you were about to give me the job" Mckenna said instead.

"Mrs Ekoh-Yagazie, I am sorry but there is no opening at the moment" the man looked scared. Had Jason threatened him?

"My husband just called you, didn't he?" The man was silent. McKenna stood up and left in anger. Two other Companies did the same thing to her. Jason was calling everyone not hire her.

She dialed his number.

"Hi, what do you want? I am busy" Jason's voice irritated her further.

Does he think he owns her or the country? Who does he think he was?

"Jason, you have been calling people to tell them not to hire me! I need you to stop. It's madness!"