Chapter two hundred and five

Chapter Two hundred and five

"Hello, we need to talk. This is Amazing Donna"

Mckenna sat upright immediately. Amazing Donna? Why was Jackson Donna's real daughter calling her.

"How did you get my number?" Mckenna asked instead.

"I make it a point to have the phone numbers of people who take what doesn't belong to them" Amazing was seemly calm and organized.

Mckenna looked around to be sure she was alone in the sitting room. She opened the door and went out to the pool.

"What do you want, Donna?" Mckenna asked her.

"Like I said, we need to talk. Meet me in an hour at Alicia Barney's restaurant. Don't be late"

The phone went dead.

Mckenna stare at it for a while. If Jackson paid her off to keep their relationship a secret, she knew he wouldn't just tell his daughter about an illegitimate offspring. Or maybe he did. Mckenna wasn't sure anymore.