Chapter two hundred and six

Chapter two hundred and six

When McKenna came back home, she didn't go up to their room; she stayed back in the sitting room. Jason was mad at her. She could have told him the truth but she just wasn't ready to face the truth herself.

That night she decided to sleep on the couch except sleep wasn't forthcoming. McKenna's mind jumped from Jason to Amazing until finally, she dozed off.

The next morning when she woke up, a blanket was over her. Jason had covered her while she was asleep.

McKenna checked their bedroom but he was gone. He left so early to avoid talking to her. McKenna sat on the bed and grabbed Jason's pillow and hugged it tightly.

Few minutes later, she was dressed for another day of fruitless job hunt but it was better than staying in an empty house.

McKenna experienced the same thing that happened yesterday. She now knows she was never going to get a corporate job anywhere, not when Jason was hell bent on lording over her.