Chapter two hundred and seven

Chapter two hundred and seven

McKenna saw that he was sincere in his threat but she wouldn't let go. If it ends up on the internet, people would have a field day tarnishing his image and facts will be lost.

McKenna forced him to look at him.

"Jason, please" 

"Damn it!" He turned and faced the man "I am going to make sure that you don't see the light of the day ever again. I will destroy you"

The man looked confused and annoyed. He had no idea who Jason was. Or the kind of trouble he had gotten himself into.

"Who do you think you are?" The man asked him.

Jason moved closer and he didn't utter a word. It was like he wanted the man to be in suspense. His face was blank with exception of the streaks on his face. His anger was secretly hidden away beneath the steel face. His stance was starting to make the man nervous.