Rejected part 1;Breelia

Breelia's POV

I had fallen back asleep after the stunning-looking guy who introduced himself as Lucas left... but in my sleep, I felt as if someone was watching me and that awoke my senses and I could perceive a sweet scent that I've never perceived before, and that caused me to stir and opened my eyes slowly, and what I saw was definitely not what I was expecting.

An even far more stunningly beautiful man stood by my bedside, staring at me intently without saying a word.

I got up into a sitting position while watching the stunning man before me, as my heart was beginning to fluter something I had not felt before, after sitting up, I asked him who he was.

"No need for you to know that, it's not like you'd be seeing me again", he announced with a frown on his handsome face.

He stood there after a while looking confused at something I'm unsure of but then he later said something that's stopped my train of thoughts completely...

"I reject you," he said in a pained voice and I was confused as to why a stranger would say that to me.

"Who are you to reject me?" I questioned before realization dawned on me...

Oh God he', but I was getting rejected after finding my mate... how can this be happening, was he unsatisfied by my looks or did he hear something disturbing about me...

" you can't do that " I beseeched, but he said nothing he just turned and left the hospital room after forcefully banging the door close.

I sat completely perplexed by what had just happened as my heart felt as though it's been stabbed with a thousand silver knives at the same time...

I placed my hand on my chest and pressed down on it, trying to reduce the pain... I haven't felt this much pain before not even when mom died... not once in my life did I ever think it possible for one to feel this much pain.

I began to feel hot wetness on my cheeks, I had no idea I was crying until the tears spilled from my eyes... I'm surprised I'm this hurt by my mate's rejection... It's not like I was looking forward to having a romantic relationship with my mate so it's confusing how one could feel this hurt by something you don't care about...

I blamed it on the stupid mate bond and forcefully removed the needle from my hand and left the room, as I just couldn't sit on that bed and feel suffocated by this rejection.

I left the hospital without the notice of anyone as the halls were empty when I left the building...

I sauntered endlessly without a destination or a specific place I wanted to be at this moment. I allowed my leg to take me where ever they would and I arrived at a lake, but not even the serene look before could make me feel better.

I could only remember the words that had disrupted me just a few minutes ago as they kept repeating inside my head like a broken record...

I don't even know the name of this guy, and I honestly don't care to find that out anymore, all I wanted to know right now was what had made him reject me. Was I not up to the standard he wanted or was there something, in particular, that had caused him to do that.

As I stood there, staring into the lake, there was nothing I wanted right now more than to just strip off and transform into Bree, letting her takeover, but she's still not waking up and that made me wonder how hurt she must have been that she's taking this long to revive...

I then tried to recall what exactly had happened when I got abducted...

***few days ago***

"Hey Bree we were thinking of throwing a party tonight at Greg's, what do you think?" Ashley wheezed as she plops down on the chair next to me in the classroom where we were waiting for lectures to commence.

"Really! that's great we hadn't partied in a while!" I exclaimed quite happy with my friend's suggestion...

we chatted a little more about what we were going to wear but the lecturer came in and we were asked to quiet down.

Ashley was human but she was my best friend and she knew of the fact that I was a werewolf.

We had gone to the party that night, and I was wearing a black pant that had its knees and thighs ripped a little, with a yellow cropped top, and black boots while Ashley adorned a black with white stripes short peplum skirt with a white tank top and a black wedge. I had curled my hair while Ashley had hers in a high ponytail baring her long neck that had a chock necklace on it.

When we entered the party, heads turned to gawk at us and a few guys whistled, but no one made a move to approach us as we walked majestically as if we owned the floors...

We partied for a while before I went inside Greg's house to get water as I was beginning to feel thirsty, but then I saw a guy followed me inside I acted as though I didn't know he was coming after me as I planned to catch him unaware with a flying kick, but he said hi before I could move my legs, so I then relaxed a little, concluding that he was not here to hurt me.

"Hi, I'm Dale", he announced while offering me his hand. I looked at him, then his hands, before looking back at him with a raised eyebrows and then taking his hand, I replied with a short " Breelia"

He then smiled before saying "nice name you've got there"...

We chatted a little while before I finally went to get the water I was about to take a few minutes ago...

That was the last thing I remembered, the next thing I know was I had woken up in an empty building, sitting on a chair with my feet and hands tied up...

I was so confused at this I didn't know how I had gotten there, and I tried to break off the ropes, but they only burned through my skin making me hiss loudly...

Whoever had kidnapped me must have known I was a werewolf because the ropes they used in binding me were soaked in wolfsbane... but who would have done something this dangerous, who was the one who dared to kidnap me? they probably have no idea who I was exactly...


hey so if try to update at least four times a week with a few bonus chapters here and there I hope you're enjoying the book though...