I should reject her

Alpha Grey's POV

I walked into the house after planning the perfect lie I was going to say to Sheila about my outrageous behavior, and even though the lie sounds so unrealistic even to me, I just know I had to at least give an excuse...

However, when I walked in Sheila didn't ask why I acted that way. she only asks if I was okay, I then nodded before apologizing for my behavior, and blaming it on the blood loss which then reminded me of what I had inquired about before I found out she was pregnant...

when I told Sheila about my lame excuse, which I wasn't sure if she believes me but she didn't ask further about it she only asked if I was sure...

"Are you sure though?" Sheila asked again as she doubted what I had just said about the blood loss.

"Yeah, I'm. which brings me back to my question. what in the world did you do with that much blood that you had collected?" I demanded to know with a raised eyebrows, trying to change the subject.

And Sheila looked down before she started to explain, blabbing about things that I find hard to comprehend...

"uhh, well," Sheila began but then paused for a while before she continued..." someone's life was in danger and they needed a transfusion of a blood type that only you and I shared in the whole Pack, and I couldn't help because I'm pregnant, and that left you as the only other option for help unless we were going to let them die," Sheila explained which practically sounded like she was a record playing in a fast-forwarded manner...

But thanks to my ability to hear fast, I heard every single word carefully as she rambled them out...

While I stood there listening to all she said, I was instantly reminded of what Ash had said before I left the hospital and I felt my body run cold as if my blood had drained completely from my body.

I asked Sheila for the name of the person that she's rambling about and prayed with every hope and little faith I had, that she'd call the name of a guy, it doesn't matter if I knew him or not it just had to be a guy because if it was a guy, that would only mean it's definitely not who I'm thinking it might be.

But much to my greatest despair, Sheila whispered the name "Breelia" and I instantly felt the urge to punch something, my fist clenching tightly on their own as I tried to contain my anger, keeping them bottled up inside.

I couldn't lose my shit as I had done earlier, and I could not even bring myself to be mad at Sheila. And if only it had been someone else, a guy to be more precise, then I would have turned him into a punching bag right this instant.

I tried my best to keep a straight face and also to have positive thoughts about all this... this said "Breelia" could be just a girl and not who I'm thinking she is I repeated severally in my head while trying to believe it but I know it's probably not going to work.

I know I had to calm down because me staying angry for a long time would only give Ash more power to take over, my nails were digging into the palm of my hands, as I tried so hard not to bash something.

I need to see this said Breelia, and if she happens to be my mate I know I have to instantly reject her even if it kills me.

"Where is she?," I asked still trying to sound calm.

"She's at the pack's hospital, I just received a call from Lucas that she's awake," Sheila said back apologetically.

"Is she a pack member? " I asked even though I know what the answer would be.

"No, she's not. I found her by the pack's border she was been chased by a few guys..." Sheila replied while watching me for my reaction, or possibly trying to figure out why I'm asking all these questions...

I left the house in fits of rage and took off to the hospital. I knew it won't be much hassle to reject her since she's not a pack member.

I should reject her soon before anyone finds out she's my mate because when they do, it's going to be difficult to reject her.

An Alpha was supposed to find his mate as soon as he could, because only then would the Alpha become powerful enough to protect his pack members. But I couldn't care less about pack protection.

I arrived at the hospital faster than an average wolf would, even though I hadn't transformed into one.

I didn't need anyone to tell me what room she was in because immediately after I entered into the building, I perceived a somewhat addicting scent that pulled me towards her, I reached a door where the smell was the strongest and contemplated whether to go in now or to just wait for her to fully recover.

But I know I shouldn't wait, because the longer I wait, the harder it's going to become to do it. So I knowing I have to do it now, I opened the door and went inside the room with my heartbeat soaring drastically with each step I took.

Inside the room, a girl laid on the bed asleep, with an almost finished blood bag attached to her hand. Her face looked so innocent and peaceful, and I felt like a string was been pulled harshly from my heart at what I was about to do.

I watched her delicate oval face from a safe distance while resisting the urge to touch her, I had asked myself again for the umpteenth time for a genuine reason why I'm doing this, and I again reminded myself of the fact that "Ash" would be unstoppable if we were to ever mate.

I walked closer to the bed she laid and got into her head through a mind link, which was a little bit too easy probably because she was in a weak state.

I was about to say the words, but before I could get them out, she stirs a little and then started to open her eyes slowly.

I had wanted to leave before she sees me but I couldn't it's was already too late, she was now wide awake, and was staring straight at me with furrowed eyebrows as she tries to sit up.

"Who are you?" she asked in a frail voice, after sitting up.

"No need for you to know that, this is the last time you'd be seeing me," I asserted and I felt my heart constricted in my chest.

She looked at me perplexed by my response and that made me realize she knew nothing about me being her mate...

And that made me confused and unsure as to whether or not to tell her that I'm her mate and that I'm going to reject her.

I stood there and continued to debate on whether or not I should just let it be for now, maybe just until she realizes that I'm her mate before I reject her but I knew delay would only lead to more damage, so I reluctantly let put the out words.



phew, I was finally able to post this chapter.... let me know what you think though.