Should he be trusted

Breelia's POV,

After leaving dad behind in his room, I kept trying not to think of my conversations with him, in hopes that he would not say no, and decided to go to the pack clinic as I had planned before leaving my room.

The walk down to the clinic didn't take too long, because it was just a few meters outside the main mansion.

The pack mansion is like an estate, with all the other buildings that were built on terraces to accommodate almost every pack member, because they believe for a pack to be strong, they needed to be in the same place.

It was a nice idea, but not so much after the Luna died. We were still the strongest pack, but the job of the Luna which was taking care of pack accounts and budgets was kinda left unattended to, for a long while and with the large number of werewolves that were all here, it was a really hard struggle until the job was taken care of by someone else.