Saving Bree

Breelia's POV

Mr Cameroon had been staring at me without blinking for about ten minutes straight until it felt uncomfortable to seat in front of him.

I don't know if the fact that I asked him not to tell my father was what surprised him, or it was the fact that I had a massive amount of wolfsbane in my system that surprised him the most, either way, I was been scrutinized under his gaze and it was fine the first two minutes but not anymore.

He wasn't even saying anything, which added to the awkwardness.

"You do realize you're asking me to keep something that could end up killing you a secret from your father right?" He finally said breaking the silence.

Right, I didn't think about the fact that Bree dying would literally kill me too.

No werewolf can leave a single day without their wolf. If they were sick the human part can stay awake int they finally recuperate, but if they were dead, the human part dies within hours too.