He'd do anything...

Third persons POV,

"Sheila, please eat something," a worried voice of her mate begged her for the umpteenth time to at least try to get her to eat something.

Sheila however wasn't hungry, mostly because of what happened and how worried she was about her missing brother whom she was convinced someone kidnapped, but so also because she couldn't eat anything without throwing up.

She weakly shook her head, she didn't feel she had the strength to verbally refuse anymore. Her eyes were hollow, her face as pale as a corpse, she looked like she's been through a tornado, yet she remained the most beautiful person in the eyes of her mate who looked disappointed.

He wasn't disappointed in his mate, he was disappointed at himself for not being able to do something as simple as getting his mate to take a bite.

"You need to at least eat something, Shei, at least not for you but the baby," his voice was soft, yet it held a sense of desperation in it.