why dud she keep all these from me?

Breelia's POV

I felt like a bad friend, no scratch that, I am a bad friend. How else would I explain the plain fact that I don't know the person I claimed was my best friend was going through all these.

How was I able to look past all the pains that were hidden behind the cheerful smiles she always had on. I think it was because I was selfish. I only talk about me. And me alone. I never cared to know her story.

Right now, listening to her only made me realized how selfish I've been all these years.

Ashley was more than a friend to me, she was the sister I never had, she was everything to me, yet I knew nothing about her painful past about what she had to go through. About what she was going through.

When she started to tell me about the people I had thought were her parents all this while, I was mad at her, then I was disappointed but then now that I think about it and listen to all she had to go through on her own, I felt selfish.