Is he here?

Breelia's POV...

"Mate," Bree's voice said, startling me, to an extent my body jerked involuntarily.

"Hey, are you okay?" Ashley's worried voice pulled my attention back to her.

"Yeah, ... I'm fine," I answered slowly.

/What's going on/ I asked Bree, she sounds like she was telling me our mate was close, not as if she realized we have been rejected.

I couldn't help but wonder how possible that was tho because I was sure he was definitely not a pack member, and he also was at a Pack countries away from here.

He couldn't possibly be here. I don't want to think he was here to find me, because he probably knows nothing about me since he didn't even meet me for longer than 3 minutes before he decided to shatter my heart with the announcement of his rejection

< he's here, > it was more of a whisper but that got my heart racing.