We need to talk..

Grey's POV

I stood in there for a few more minutes after she left, wondering what the fuck I had just done.

I tried not to think of the repercussions of my actions, but my head kept playing different scenarios that could happen if the legend turns out to be just true.

This might be a mistake, one that might end up hinting me for the rest of my life, but right now, the lingering of her sweet scent, the glistering in her eyes that I couldn't unseen and the mischievous look in her eyes just before she left made me feel like giving up anything and everything just to be with her.

The legend isn't true, rejecting her was what could have made it true, or maybe that's what I want to believe, either way, I had thought Ash would become stronger and try to take control when I was with her, but none of that happened nit even the cold voice that made me kind of started to believe in the legend was actually true was heard.