Jealous mate..

Pearl's POV.

The animalistic growl was from Grey, I guess his wolf instinct kicked in when he saw that I was still smiling at another male.

I somehow managed to stop a supposed murder by holding his flexed muscles and now we were out in a cafe waiting for the drinks we ordered in the hot sun.

I asked him what we were going to do about us, I remember we didn't have the chance to properly discuss it and now I can't let it hang anymore, I need to go back to school, and also know how long I'll have to be here for.

However, when I asked, he remained quiet, he said nothing and although I tried to wait patiently for him to speak, I couldn't help but ask him to say something.

And even though I asked him to say something, he was still quiet, so I said the only thing that kept running in my head.