Are you bored?

Breelia's Pov

"Girrrlll, you need to tell me in details!" Ashley yells.

"Shit, lower your voice," I whispered my cheeks turning crimson at the thought that he would hear her.

This was only a few hours after the hot passionate kiss we shared back at his office, and I still couldn't rid my mouth of the lingering feeling of his own.

My body still felt tingling at the spot his hands were a little while ago, and Ashley wouldn't shut up after I told her we kissed.

"You need to tell me everything tho, you need to yell me how it happened,"she babbled.

"Well, you know the usual," I said trying to sound like it was something I've done almost all the time when she knows as well as I know that that was my first kiss!

"Ya!" She yelled something she learned from watching a lot of K drama making me smile sheepishly at her.