finally dating

Breelia's POV

Ashley and Uncle Carlos were finally dating and I couldn't help but feel happy for them.

My usual dull and squishy feeling self was feeling much more better, at least now that I knew he was fine and that he would be back, things were a little much more easier for me, although I couldn't stop missing him, but then I didn't spend each night and every morning crying myself to sleep and waking up with the same cry.

A few days ago after she announced that they were dating, I couldn't help the wide smile that spreads across my face but she didn't seem to know about the fact that they were mates yet.

We were now seated in the school cafeteria I had ordered a large blueberry milkshake which was odd because I've never really been a fan of blueberries but for some reason, I was craving it and now that I was taking it I felt a sense of feeling that I never know someone could actually feel just from taking blueberry shake.