The unexpected

Breelia's POV

Everything felt static, from the timid air, to my thoughts to the blood in my entire veins that ran completely cold.

My legs suddenly felt jelly and they could no longer carry my weight which caused me to almost fall on my butt if not for the fact that I had held on to the car door for support.

My phone that had slid down my arm hit the ground with a loud clattering sound and that was the least of my worries.

"Lia, Breelia, are you there?" The distant voice of uncle Carlos rang through the phone on the floor, and I couldn't bring myself to make a single comment or movement.

"No, it can't be true, maybe he's just pulling my legs, trying to make me return to the pack since they haven't seen me in weeks, a weak voice protested in my head, it was Bree's voice.

However we both know fully well that that was not the case, uncle Carlos would never joke about something like that.