Steering Into Storms

      Ilona steered her ship, hearing it groan in protest as she did so.  She closed her eyes and tried to feel the air and read if the fog would be gone soon, but she couldn't tell for sure.

      She wished Nick was there with her.  He had an amazing ability for being able to tell how the weather was going to turn.  He wouldn't be able to help her for a while though after she'd assigned him and Mason to their task.  Ilona glanced upward again into the fog.  Neither of the men had come falling down to their death yet, so she was assuming things were still going well enough.

      She bit at a nail and wished the bell would announce the watch change.  With the fog so thick, she couldn't guarantee Mason and Nick were safe, so it was making her anxious.  She reminded herself there was no way they would be stupid enough to get in a fight that high in the air.

      Was there?