The Count...Is Dead

In just ten minutes the word had gotten around what happened. As they stood there, Pavitra and the general alongside his subordinates. More and more soldiers began to gather up in front of them. It was the ninth regiment who had fully gathered up first. They were all fully armoured and each everyone of them looked to be furious. Alongside that, not one of them wore their helmets as they would normally. This to them was a sign of acknowledgement to their leader who never wore a helmet.

Then soon after the other army regiments all emerged and joined the formation. This already was enough to take full control of the castle itself. Then as the three captains came forward, they all noticed the newcomers who were with Pavitra.

Pallavi though quickly pulled Pavitra to the side. The others began to speak to the general. Once they were out of earshot, Pallavi finally spoke. "I investigated what has been happening as you asked. Slavery. The Count is working with the adventures to sell slaves, he is using people who can't pay his taxes which are way higher than normal and what is allowed by the crown. He is destroying his own city. No one knows what happens with the slaves though, they just disappear. The nearby military regiments and also badly affected by this. Apparently, there is a spy within their ranks for the Count." Then she stopped talking and went back to where the other officers were all standing.

Pavitra just stood there thinking. She remembered the talk that the Count and that adventure were having, she thought it was just animals...but if what Pallavi said is true. Then chances are that they were talking about slaves, not animals. But that means...the Count is breaking so many laws here and he is getting away with it...Not to mention these rats, there is something clearly wrong here.

SIghing to herself, she walked in front of the soldiers who had all gathered. Looking at their faces, she could already tell that they knew what had happened. "You know what has happened! I do not need to say what must be done! Just do it!"

Then as she turned around, someone yelled out. "For Pavitra! For the fire sword!" This yell was soon taken up through every soldier, it didn't take long before each and everyone was yelling the exact same thing. Not only that, there would be a loud bang! On the floor, every time that the yell was finished as they all stamped their feet into the ground.

Then as they quietened down, she just pointed forwards. The soldiers all moved off as one, once they had all gone with the captains leading them on. The mercenaries came out to see what was going on and if they could help. As she looked at them and the adventures that were trailing behind them, she thought about the rats for a minute.

"Have any of you heard about massive rats?" The mercenaries all shook their heads, but the adventure leader thought for a second. "I think I have read something about them before...but I am not sure. It was linked to tombs I think, I'm not sure."

Pavitra listened for a second, she knew it could be nothing to do with a tomb so maybe there were different, not that it really mattered. "I need you to go through the alleys, coming here we came across some. Find them and kill them. Or at least find where their nest is, that would help." Feeling happy that they had something to do, the mercenaries and adventures went into a discussion on their own about how they would do their task.

Pavitra herself went inside a building and quickly got some of her own armour on so that she would have some sort of protection. Then she left and began to head towards the keep. Where now she could hear screaming and shouting, it seemed like the attack had begun.

"Come on, let's kill these bastards!" Shourya yelled loudly to the soldiers around him. Not seconds before had they pushed through the gate and were now locked in a massive melee within the courtyard itself.

From the last battle, his training had started to come back, but now it was back in full force.

Seeing a sword, come swinging down towards his exposed head. He muttered to himself as he reacted.


Ting! His sword cleanly intercepted the attack, before diverting it away from himself.


His own sword then jabbed forwards, piercing the throat of his attacker, killing him instantly.

"Move on…"

Then he moved forwards a bit more, slashing two more people down in the process. In a way, he fighting in an extremely methodical form. It was mechanical and yet it always had seemed to work for him. This style was just easy to use and effective.

Then as he looked to the main doors of the keep a few more of the guards came rushing out, behind them though was a fat man. He had some metal armour on himself, which honestly looked hilarious. It didn't fit him at all and yet he wore it all the same. In his hand was a warhammer. The spike looked to be nasty but with his size, it was obvious that he could not use it.

Shourya knew that man was the Count, the one who wanted to…

He felt rage overwhelm himself fully. Then with this feeling, he raced straight through the few guards that were in his way. One tried to bravely attack Shourya as he moved. The poor guard was cut down before his attack could even get close.

Then with no one in his way, Shourya bounded up the steps to where the Count was standing. The Count himself seeing what was happening hurriedly yelled out to his guards. "Quick help me!"

No one came, the guards were all busy being killed by the more elite and trained soldiers. As Shourya got close, he swang the hammer out.

The attack was slow and sloppy. Taking no chances though, Shourya darted to the side and swung his sword out. Cutting the Count's head off in one clean blow.