Debt Is Settled

No one had noticed the Count's death yet, as they were all still locked in the fighting. Looking around, Shourya then reached down and picked up the Count's head. Then looking at all the fighting, he yelled out as loud as he could. "Give up! The Count is dead!"

At first, only those that heard him were at the front, then the message slowly seemed to pass through the entire courtyard as everyone turned to look at him. Then one guard fell to his knees and began to cry. Everyone looked at him a little weirdly before he finally spoke.

"That bastard is dead. Thank you!" The soldier then smashed his head onto the ground in a kowtow. Not really sure what was going on Shourya looked at him for a second. "It is not me who deserves your is our leader. Pavitra." The guard hearing what he said looked up for a minute, then slowly asked. "Where is she then?"

Shourya just smiled for a second and pointed to the gate. "She is over there." It was at that moment when Pavitra arrived, as she walked through the courtyard everyone got of her way, making it look like she parting the sea. Well, a sea of people anyway. Then as she joined SHourya on the stairs and looked down at the decapitated Count's body. She gave it a kick so that it fell to the courtyard floor.

"I do not know what happened here, but he is dead. This city I am taking direct control of for now. This is my decree." The soldiers just stood there watching her, but the guards all got on one knee. Bowing down to her.

Then as they stood up, the guard who had been in tears asked, "Your highness. Our families they...he had them in dungeons. Please. Help us."

Pavitra was shocked at what he had said, then thinking back to everything the now dead Count was suspected of, she just sighed.

"Lieutenant Shourya, take some soldiers and secure the dungeons. Captain Pallavi, organize the defense for the city. The eleventh will assist with a sweep of the city clearing out infestations and more importantly taking the adventures building. The rest of you, help me in securing the castle. The guards...just stay here." Then she turned around and walked into the keep itself.

Inside, there was no resistance at all. In fact everyone, servants or maids. All bowed down to her as she walked past on her way to the hall. A few of them even ended up crying as they were so overjoyed that they had all been freed from the Count.

Then as she walked into the hall itself, her eyes were soon set onto the Countess who was sitting on the throne. She didn't move at all, as the Princess walked in and just sat there, staring at her.

Pavitra didn't think anything was wrong and slowly began to approach her. Then when she was only around ten paces away, the Countess spoke. "So he is dead then."

Pavitra froze as she spoke. This clear and strong voice was nothing like what she heard from the Countess previously. So she instead stayed still and raised up her guard. "Yes, the Count is dead."

The Countess just sighed. "That man was a useful pawn you know. In his youth, he was a courageous and amazing man. He won a few military merits in the northern war and was even short-listed to be a royal guard. He was perfect and when he saw me alone, he took me in and cared for me. Never in his dreams could he guess what I really was, much like you have yet to…"

Pavitra was now even more on guard from what she had said. The man she described was nothing like the Count that she had seen before. This was just...who exactly was this woman?

"Poor Princess. You have no idea about anything. This world is more complicated than you know...your mother understood and yet her actions got her killed. Now you have ruined my die!"

The Countess then sprang out of the throne at a speed in which Pavitra had never seen before. She only just managed to bring up her sword in time to hear a loud crash of metal.

Looking in front of her, it wasn't a dagger but the Countess's nails that had clashed against the blade. Then she opened her mouth, which revealed massive sharp teeth.

"Child...You have no idea. This world is not for the weak, your mother was a good person...for her, I will leave you alone. If you find her family. Tell them the blood clan holds the debt over."

Then the room suddenly got darker, as all of the shadows had rushed into one place. By the time they had all disappeared, the woman was long gone.

Pavitra just stood there in shock. Not sure about anything she had said. What blood clan? And as far as she knew there was no family behind her mother? Clearly, there was something that no one was telling her. And for now… she could only see one way to get answers. That was power.

As she looked around the hall, she saw nothing had changed. Then the soldiers which were following her came into the room. As she looked at them, she quickly noticed that they knew nothing had happened. But that was also impossible, they were right outside. One of them should have at least been able to hear something!

There were so many mysteries surrounding her mother and know this weird Countess as well as these rats. Not sure what to think, she just sighed and sat down on the throne.

It was at this moment that Shourya walked in. Pavitra could see his face clearly. There was something wrong. Something very wrong.

"Your highness. The dungeons were empty except for a few dead bodies. There were no signs of other prisons or the families of the guards. It doesn't look like they were ever there and even if they were, the dungeons were not big enough."

Pavitra just put her head into her hands.

This place just had too many mysteries.