Darhl's POV

Darhl's POV,

When I returned downstairs I heard her trying to make breakfast in the kitchen, which made me think of the steaks she grilled last night.

She couldn't eat them probably because it was bad, so I went into the kitchen and decided to make her one.

She was sitting on the kitchen table, eating her cereal when I walked in.

"Good morning," I said to her and then she looked at me with furrowed eyebrows while asking what could be good about the morning.

"What's good about the morning, " she said back annoyance apparent in her voice, but I ignored her.

I'm not usually this considerate, but I find myself always letting her off the hook with the kind of attitude she gives me. I headed to the fridge, opened it and took out a pack of steak, and started to prepare it.

By the time I finished grilling the meat, she had already finished eating her cereals but she didn't get up to leave.

When the meat was done grilling, I removed it from the oven and set the tray in front of me on the table.

"Would he let me eat from it," her low inner voice said, I could see her watching me through the corner of my eyes.

I stared at the meat with a frown on my face, making her think I was disappointed by the outcome of the meat, I then pushed the tray towards her before saying you could have it.

I watched how a small smile almost made its way up her face, but then it was gone just before I or anyone could have seen it.

I left to go back upstairs so I could take a shower before coming back down. And when I came back down, it was in one swift movement, because she sounded like she was choking to death.

I had dashed into the kitchen at a speed that's considered humanly impossible. However, when I entered the kitchen, I saw that she was sprawled across the floor of the kitchen completely passed out.

I had called Karl immediately as I was not sure what I should do. I picked her up, her body not weighing more than 50kg, and brought her up to the room.

Karl arrived a few minutes later to check up on her.

"What happened?" Karl asked as he checked her temperature.

"I left her eating in the kitchen and when I returned, I heard her coughing harshly before passing out," I explained to Karl and then he said we needed to move her to the hospital, because her pulse was too slow and that she needed to be monitored.

"What do you think happened to her?" I asked in a somewhat demanding voice, one which I rarely use.

"I think she choked on the meat," Karl said back and then said we needed to take her to the hospital quickly. I picked her up and put her into the car, before zooming off to the hospital.

At the hospital, I watched how they worked to try and regularize her pulse, but they failed a few times, I was beginning to think she's going to die when finally her pulse returned. They fixed a large bag of drip over her hand and they said she was out of danger now, and that waking up is up to her.

She had been asleep for three whole days. Her mom called me the second day after she passed out, asking for her daughter. I didn't call to inform them about what had happened to her because I didn't want her to worry.

But after I told her mom what happened, she took the next flight to the Bahamas just to come to be with her.

I went to the airport to pick her up myself because it was in the evening and the sun had already fallen. At the airport, I saw her mom standing with a small box and a handbag looking worriedly at her watch, so I quickly got off the car and went to meet her.

"Hello ma'am, " I greeted her, and she looked like she's been crying throughout her whole flight.

"Hi son, where is my baby girl?" she asked as I walked her to the car and I opened the door for her.

"She's at Mazi's hospital, they said she'll wake up soon," I tried to reassure her.

"What exactly happened to her?" she asked as I drove her to the hospital.

"I don't know, I left her at the kitchen eating, but when I returned I found her passed out on the kitchen floor," I explained.

"Did you in any way tell her that the meat was poisoned jokingly or not," she asked and I looked at her confused as to why she'd ask me that.

"No," I answered sceptically.

"She has--" she started to say, but then the sound of her phone ringing, cut her off.

I was left with unanswered questions about what she wanted to say because she didn't get off the phone early and by the time she did, we were already at the hospital.

I stayed beside her until the wee hours of the morning when the sun was about to rise before I left.

The next day I was at the cabin when Karl called to inform me that she woke up briefly, but then passed out again. This time around she didn't wake up even after three days. Her Dad and her older brother were also here, they came two days after her mom arrived.

Seeing how all her families were here for her made me realize just how much she meant to them, and why she would actually agree to do something she never thought she would ever do, just to make sure they were safe.

Her brother had been so furious when he arrived. No one told him about the fact that she was getting married and he blamed it on me, he didn't even try to hide it.

When her father arrived at the hospital, that was the first time I met him in person. I was a little self-conscious when I saw him, something that has never happened before, and I couldn't understand why I'd feel that way, and to say it was to a human, was completely absurd.

Her father was a well-respected businessman in the human world and his presence alone reeks of power. He ordered for her to be transferred back to California claiming that her doctor back home would be more suitable to handle her case.

I made arrangements for her to be transferred in my private jet. However, her parents tried to reject the offer but I managed to convince them.

But her brother was too stuck up for his own good that he went back to California through a commercial plane.

When we arrived in California, she was transferred to the hospital where her doctor told us she'd wake up when she's ready, and that they couldn't really force her to.

Things had been hectic for me because I had left the Bahamas too early, we hadn't concluded what we had discussed at the meetings, and also, I was supposed to meet with the Alpha of the werewolf packs that reside there to sign a treaty.

The histories of werewolves and vampires go way back to the beginning of time, a feud that started all because of hunger for power and dominance. But we are trying to make peace now, which works out sometimes.

I had asked Dale to be there on my behalf, but I know he couldn't sign anything on my behalf.

I was always at the hospital, at times I'm left alone with her, while other times her mom and brother would also be in the room with her.

It's been two days now after we transferred her back to Cali, and she was still not waking up. usually, I would have tried to heal her but I could only heal physical pain, and hers seems to be mental suffering.

Her doctor had said she was supposed to wake up after a day or two, but if she didn't then she might fall into a self-induced coma.

I watched from where I was standing in the darkest part of the room, as her mom sat beside her bed, sobbing quietly while Glamour's brother hugged her.

I looked at Glamour as she laid steadily on the hospital bed, and then I saw her eyes twitched slightly before she began to open them slowly.

"Mom?" she called slowly and her mom instantly stopped sobbing, and rushed to hug her. Then her brother was the next to hug her, and I felt the urge to go separate him from her.

Her mom looked towards me at where I stood and motioned for me to come forward, but just before I would get close to her, her brother stepped in front of me and tried to stop me from getting closer.

"She needs more rest, why don't you come back later," he said trying to sound threatening and I almost snickered at his cute threatening voice, while telling myself I'd make sure to teach him how to deliver a good threat someday.

"Not now Dee, please," his mom spoke and then he stepped aside reluctantly, and they both left the room leaving me behind with Glamour.

I stood for a while not saying a word, she also did not say anything, she even turned her face to the side probably because she's blaming me for what happened to her.

"How're you feeling?" I asked her after a short while, but she remained quiet and didn't say anything back.

"I'm sorry you have to go through all this because of me," I said apologizing for what I know she would eventually pass through just for being my wife.

"This is just--" I started to say but then the door to the room opened and her dad walked in snatching her attention.

I stood awkwardly, listening to their conversations before her dad got a call and he went outside to receive it.

"Just how long was I out for to have been flown back home," the voice in her head said.

"You've been asleep for 5 days," I said to her, answering to her thoughts.

She then looked at me with a frown on her face.

"I've been out for five whole days?" she asked with wide eyes.

"Uhh, well 8 days if you add the first three days you blacked out for, before waking up for a few minutes only to blackout again," I answered while scratching the back of my neck awkwardly.

"Shit! what exactly did you do to me," she asked pointing an accusing finger at me.

And I raised my hands in defence enjoying how she's actually holding a conversation with me.

"Who? me? I didn't do anything," I told her, but she only squinted her eyes as if she was trying to figure out if I'm lying or not. She looked like she was about to say something else but her mom and brother walked back in.

"Are you feeling much better?" her mom asked and she nodded before saying.

"Can we just go home, I don't wanna be here anymore."

"Oh honey, you're married now, remember?" her mom said and gestured towards me, before adding "you can't come back home with us anymore unless you're coming to visit," she then smiled at her, before telling her that they were going back home and would be returning in the morning.

'Oh no, I can't even get the only thing I needed right now,' her thoughts echoed in my ear, so I decided to just let her go with them at least I could go back to the Bahamas and finish up what I was about to do.

"You could go with them, and stay a few days," I announced and her eyes widened a little like she wasn't expecting me to say that.

"Oh dear, you don't have to listen to her, " her mom spoke, and I told her it was okay that I needed to go back to the Bahamas anyway so it would make me feel more at ease knowing that she was with them...



okay, so this is by far the longest chapter I've ever written, it's a little bit more than 2k words...

I hope you enjoyed reading it...

ahh, who else thinks Darhl is a sweet guy? I was thinking he's some snuck-up dude who only cares about himself but it seems I'm in the wrong... or maybe not🤓🤓