He's back

Glamour's POV

"Well, hold on now little missy, were you trying to escape after seeing your husband for the first time in days?" His voice was low and taunting and I couldn't stop my self from gritting my teeth.

He did it again, he fucking called me little missy, that too in front of Maya, and now I know she was going to tease me about it until I can no longer take it.

That aside though, how dare he try to stop our car from going out.

I wanted to lash out at him and forcefully close the car door so we would drive off, but I don't want to start a feud at least not while my parents were upstairs.

"Oh, hey, I didn't know it was you?" I lied with a sickeningly sweet smile plastered across my face.

"Ohh this is fun to watch," Maya whispered earning herself a glare from me which made her raise her hands up in surrender.

"I came because I know how much you were missing me," he smiled his chucky like smile.

"Awwn, that's thoughtful of you," I was dying on the inside to strangle him, but knowing we were still at my parent's place, I didn't want to make any mistakes.

"Now where are you going this early?"

"We are going shopping," I said not telling him the main reason why we were going for shopping, although I might have to because I can't have him telling me to leave with him before the party.

"I'm coming with you guys," he announced and left to get into his own car without even waiting for me to say anything.

"I would totally switch places with you anytime if I can be with someone as hot as that," Maya whispered one more time getting a glare from me.

"Heyy! I was just kidding I won't steal him... You don't have to worry," she said waving her hand off.

Maya has a way of always turning everything and every situation into something funny even if they were tragic, to begin with.

The drive to the mall was a short one, and just when we got out of the car I saw him pull up beside our car.

"Deep breaths Glamour deep breaths," I whispered to myself seeing how he got down from his white Bently Mulsanne with the corners of his mouth crooked into a smirk that I'm really fighting the urge to smack off.

He was dressed in a cream coloured tuxedo today a clothes that accentuated his silver hair more than I've seen it before not that I've been looking but with that colour on his head, I'm pretty sure it would be hard to miss by anyone.

I took Maya's hands and pulled her so we would go into the store faster before he walks closer to us as I didn't want to have to speak to him again.

We got into the store and it was only a few seconds before he walked in after us.

We were searching for fabrics that I'll use for the stairs railings and a few more balloons and a few air pumps.

I was too busy picking out all we needed that I completely forgot he was right behind us until he spoke.

"What do you need all those balloons for?" He asked.

"I'm going to try to fly away," I retorted with a roll of my eyes.

Why was he asking an obvious question, I mean we were in a shop filled with decor items what else would we use the balloons for.

"Glamour is going to be decorating the whole house for the par-" my eyes widened and I instantly closed her mouth before she lets out the remaining words.

I know I was going to have to tell him or maybe my parents would, but I didn't feel it was okay for Maya to tell him right now.

I pressed my lips tightly and looked at Maya sternly making sure she gets what I was trying to say without me voicing it out.

I swear this girl might end up being the death of me I thought before releasing my hand from her mouth.

"Were you about to murder me?" She said making me roll my eyes at how dramatic she's been.

"Maya, no one dies from having their mouths covered."

"Yeah right, until I do, then I'll set the worlds record, as the first person" she retorted.

I shook my head and looked down at the list I had made on my cellphone to see if we had more things that we need to get.

Seeing as we were done we both went back to the car after having one of the workers help with loading the stuff we got into the car trunk.

Mr husband tried to pay for what we bought but I refused to let him, he hasn't earned the right to.

My mind was too occupied thinking of how many people I'll need in helping me set the whole place ready before Friday which was in three days so I didn't have time to worry about the fact that I might soon be leaving my parent's home.

And probably to never return, or even if I did, then I would never be the same person I was before I left.

"I think it's not such a bad thing that you're married to that guy, Dale says he's a good guy," Maya said after a while of driving in silence.

Her words made me think that for a moment she had lost her mind, of course, he'd say his friend is a good guy, but what kind of good guy forces someone into marrying them just because of a game I'm beginning to think was only made up by them.

"You just need to give him a chance," she adds while turning away from the road slightly to stare at me.

"Maya, just drive," was my only reply as I had nothing to tell her.

If she believes he's a good person, then it might be hard to execute my plans, but I won't be deceived. No good man would threaten your whole family just to have you marry him...