Shopping for dresses

Glamour's POV

We pulled into the garage and it was then that I noticed he hadn't been following us, which was a good thing but I couldn't help but wonder why he had not come back with us because he didn't say anything about living.

I got out of the car after Maya parked it and picked a few stuff that I could carry before having the workers bring in the rest.

We both walked into the house and I was greeted by my mom who was standing just at the entrance.

"Hey baby, I was just waiting for you to get home!" She exclaimed happily making me raise my eyebrows slightly in confusion.

Why was she suddenly excited?

"We are going shopping," she announced as if reading my thoughts and that made me mentally let out a sigh.

"But we just got back from shopping mom," I tried to protest but I knew she wasn't going to have any of it.

"Yeah, and that was for the decoration, I'm sure you haven't picked what you were going to wear yet and the party is in a few days," she says waving her hands in the air dismissing what I had just said.

"Hey, come take those bags off her hands," she yells at one of the workers that walked past us and the girl ran back to take the bags from my hands.

Knowing that my protesting wasn't going to in any way stop her from dragging me to the mall, I and Maya both turned and went back on our way just where we had walked in from.

"Should we go to Louis or Ramirez?" My mom asked while we made our way to the car.

"I think Ramirez, would have better gowns don't you think?" She said again not giving me time to answer her question.

"Yeah, I think so too," Maya interjected and that was where we went.

After spending about three to four hours in the mall, we all finally found what to wear.

My mom picked a wine red gown that was elegant and didn't have too many designs on it, however, it accentuate her beauty without leaving out a single bit of it.

Maya, on the other hand, had picked a lilac-coloured gown that had a slit on one side right up her tie and she picked a pair of wedges to go with her gown.

I had after much deliberation picked a cream-coloured gown that had pearls for its hands and was tight on the chest and then loose from beneath my breast downwards. The gown stopped at my ankle and even though my mom and Maya asked me to pick shoes to go with it, I refused and told them I had enough shoes to go with the clothes.

By the time we returned from shopping, it was mid-afternoon and we were all so exhausted that the first thing we did after coming back home was take a long shower.

Maya didn't even wait for me to be done as she had gone to use the shower in one of the guest rooms.

After a shower, I came into the room to see that Maya had also just gotten out of the shower as she was going through my wardrobe to find something to change into.

"Today was really tiring," she said not looking from the wardrobe.

"Yeah, it sure was," I agreed with her with a shake of my head.

"Please, give me my Mickey sweatshirt," I told her and soon two pairs of clothing flew right at me.


"You're welcome," she replied.

"When are we starting with the decorations, I think we might need a few more hands because we have just a few days left and with how tired I feel right now, I really don't think I'll be up early tomorrow," Maya said and I knew she was right.

She had picked out a black shirt and a pair of black jeans for herself and began to get dressed.

The workers would be busy trying to get a few things done around the house too, so I don't think they'll be able to help us out and that made me wonder who we should call for help.

We would need about two or three more people, Hamdi might be willing to help, but with him, there are still two more people that we need.

"I can ask Hamdi, I'm sure he won't mind," I told her.

"Yeah, but we need more people and I'm sure your workers are too busy to help," she pointed.

"Let's go have something to eat first I'm famished," I said, "we would think of someone else before tomorrow," I added as we both walked out of the room and headed to the dining area.

Mom was already seated there and her meal was being served when we arrived.

"Oh, hey you guys, I was just about to send someone to come get you," she said while asking us to take a seat.

We ate our meal in silence, although in my head I couldn't stop thinking about who we would call for help.

I thought about calling some of our college friends but we aren't that close with people so no one came to mind.

After the food mom left and said she was going to rest a little in her room while I and Maya also went back to mine.

"Did you think of someone already?" she asked knowing I had a habit of thinking while I ate.

"Not really, I thought about asking Mason and Carly but I'm not sure that's okay, it's not like we are close enough with them," I told her and she was quiet for a while before she said something that made me stare at her as if she had just gone mad or something.
