
Sapphire POV:

-Chirp Chirp

"Mmph," I groan, as the sounds of the birds outside the window wake me from my sleep.

I sit up, pull the covers off me, and set my picture on the bookshelf. As my eyes regain their focus, I look around the room. Weiss, Ruby, Blake, and Yang seem to still be asleep, so I quietly get out of bed and stretch.

With grogginess fading from my mind, I walk over to my desk and grab my scroll. After I turn it on, I check the time.

"Five O'clock, huh," I mutter under my breath.

About an hour before we all usually wake up. You see, it's been a few weeks since I started attending beacon, and I've fallen into a routine with the rest of my team. Usually, we start our day at around six o'clock, and brush our teeth, set our beds, clean up, etcetera, except, we hold off on showering. It would be a waste to get cleaned up, only to have ourselves covered in sweat.

Like I demanded during dinner that first night, we have training first thing in the morning, although, after discussing it with Ruby we decided to move back the start time to about six-ten, instead of six-thirty, so we have time to get back and shower before breakfast.

"Oh, well," I state, and start my morning, even if early.

I set my scroll back down, and silently make my way to the closet. After I grab my workout clothes, a white loose tank top that I wear over a sports bra, I don't own any type of underwear other than the sporty type, so I guess there would be no need to specify, and some black yoga pants, I set them on my bed.

With that done, I change and walk into the bathroom to brush my teeth; two times a day and all that. After I finish flossing my teeth, I wipe my face with a washcloth and leave the bathroom.

Everyone is still asleep, so I decide to pass the time by watching some YourDust videos on my scroll. I sit down at my desk and grab my scroll. After I open the app, I put on my headphones and scroll through my recommendations.


After a long time of going down a video rabbit hole, I notice the sunshine in through the gaps in the curtain, so I check the time; it's six. The team will probably wake up at any time. So I take off my headphones and get up.

I noticed that I hadn't set my bed yet, so I decided to start on that. I start by removing the comforter, the pillow, and the bedsheet, then, I straighten out the mattress cover. I reset the bedsheet, followed by the pillow and comforter.

"Unng," I hear from ruby's bunk.

It seems that Ruby's up, and that means that the others are not far behind.

I watch as Ruby groggily rises from her bed into a sitting position, and greets her.

"Morning, Little light," I say to my barely responsive leader.

"Yhaaaah, morning," She yawns and then replies to my greeting.

The sleight glare of discontent she gives me at that nickname is always rather amusing to me. She used to throw more of a fit when I said it, but she has since gotten used to it, sort of.

After getting over her discontent Ruby starts a conversation.

"Why are you up so early?" She asks.

"Uh, I don't know? I guess I was in a lighter sleep?" I try my best to answer.

She just nods in reply and climbs down the ladder of her bunk, waking Weiss in the process.

Weiss sits up and glances at Ruby, who is now walking over to the window, and moves her legs off her bed. She stretches to wake herself up the rest of the way before standing up and starting her day.

"Morning, Weiss," I greet her the same as I did Ruby.

I don't use her nickname as she is no fun to tease in the morning. She doesn't react to anything.

Weiss greets me with a proper reply, " Good morning, Sapphire."


After Weiss greeted me, the room suddenly grew much brighter, literally. I glance over and see that Ruby, who is standing on my bed, has opened the curtains, allowing light to flood into the room.

It's kind of an unwritten rule among the team to allow ruby to open them. I don't know why she likes to do so, but who am I to stop her. It doesn't bother me, so why should I.

'Anyway, who cares, it's cute,' I think to myself as I glance at Ruby's contented smile as she lets the morning sunlight wash over her.

I hear the rustling of sheets from behind me. It seems that the might of the sun has roused the dead from their rest.

I turn around and greet the heaviest sleepers of the group.

"Morning, Blake. Morning, Yang," I call out.

I also don't use their nicknames, as they are also unresponsive to teasing in the morning, but for obviously different reasons than Weiss.

The first to reply to my morning greeting comes from the fiery blond on the top bunk.

"Ungg, Morning, Sapph," Yang greets with a stretch.

The second reply doesn't come, however.

Yang seems to summon enough energy to pull herself from bed and start her day, so she sluggishly crawls down her ladder. Blake, on the other hand, remains rooted and doesn't even attempt to leave her bed.

"Haah," I sigh and walk over to her bed.

I look at the lump under the blanket with only a black bow being graced by the sun. I lightly what I believe to be her shoulder and gently shake her.

"Come on, Blake, time to get up," I lightly urge.

This usually works and Blake would obediently get up, but it seems that that is not the case today.

"Ung," She gives a slight groan in reply and does nothing further.

Seeing as the gentle approach was not working, I quickly uncovered the lazy cat and forced her into the sun.

"Hngg," She releases a groan of complaint, and, with nothing left to keep her in dreamland, she wakes up. I watch as she slowly blinks her pretty amber eyes, adjusts them to the light, and wait for her to notice me.

As her now adjusted gaze meets mine, I greet her again, "Morning, Blake."

"Hmn? Morning~," She greets back with audible grogginess.

I chuckle to myself at Blake's morning antics. She is usually so guarded around everyone, so this is the only time I get to see her so careless. Funnily enough, there was one point when her bow had fallen off, and she didn't even notice. If I hadn't retired it for her before anyone noticed, her little secret would have become not so secret anymore.

I step back and make sure she is getting up before addressing the group as a whole.

"Hey, guys. Since I'm already dressed, I am gonna get us some drinks. I'll be right back," I state as I grab my scroll and walk out the door.