Time Skip to Lunch
"Hey, gorgeous! How about we get lunch out of school?" Liam asked while leaning on my shoulders. "Fine, but you're driving this time," I answered, somewhat annoyed. When we left the school, Liam drove us to a local diner called The Lumberjack. After being seated at a booth by the waitress, I was half-mindedly eyeing the menu.
"Okay, what's wrong?" Liam asked, putting down his menu and looking at me. "Nothing..." I said, raising my menu over my face and Liam grabbed it from me, looking at me seriously. "What's wrong?" He asked again, expecting an actual answer. "I-" I started, before being cut off by the waitress who walked to our booth.
"Hey, are you guys ready to order now?" The waitress asked, looking at Liam. "No," Liam said dully. "He meant yes, we are ready," I told the waitress, who was now looking at me. "Okay then, what would you guys like?" After the waitress finished taking our order and left, I avoided looking at Liam. "So? Anything you'd like to share?" Liam asked.
I could feel him staring at me and I got mad. "Okay, I'm upset because of you!" I almost shouted, staring back at him. "Don't tell me this is because of the plans we agreed to after school," Liam said, laughing, making me angrier. "I never agreed to it, you did even though I didn't want you to." I huffed angrily, turning away from him.
"Oh come on, it'll be fun!" Liam aid grabbing my hands, holding them in his. I looked back at Liam who was beaming with happiness. "I guess we don't hang out with a lot of different people," I said under my voice. "Fine, I guess we'll go, but you're paying for my food," I said, pulling back my hands. "Fine..." Liam said reluctantly.
Once we got back to school, lunch was almost over. My classes finally ended at 2:05 which felt like forever. The lessons were so boring, especially math where I was learning something about the numerical system.
I really didn't comprehend a thing from that class, but I'd rather sit in the class for the rest of the day than go to the plans Liam and Maxine made after school which they made without caring about what I wanted to do so happen to be not going. "sigh. Well, at least it's just Max, Liam, and me." I whispered to myself. "Hey, Cutesicle!"
Liam said waving in my direction. "Cutsicle. Really, that's the worst nickname you've given me." I said, crossing my arms over my chest. "Aw, come on don't be like that," Liam said. "I hate your dumb nicknames," I replied, looking away from him.
"Well, that isn't true because you always reply when I call you gorgeous." Liam mused, winking at me. "You're such a flirt," I answered, dropping my arms to my sides. "Hey, guys! You made it." Maxine exclaimed.
"Yep, I guess we did." I laughed. "Okay then, let's go," Peirce said from behind me. When I looked around, he was walking hand in hand with Cherry as they walk slowly with him whispering sweet nothings in her ear looking at me sometimes during the time she started to whisper in his here just before they share a laugh and he looks back at her, holding her hand.
"They're a cute couple." Liam urged unknowingly hitting a point that upset me. "Yeah..what a cute couple." I forced trying to sound as genuine as I can which came out sounding more like sarcasm than anything else. Peirce gave a smirk probably because he heard me, but Liam eyed me suspiciously with a look of curiosity most likely from how forced that one sentence sounded.
On the ride there with Liam, I could tell he wanted to know why I sounded angry or upset maybe even jealous which I am not! "Listen, I don't want to talk about it," I answered his thought before he had the opportunity to ask and he nodded slowly a bit surprised. When we pulled into the parking lot, he must've been able to read my thoughts, because when I looked at him, he looked like he is putting what happened together and how I am right now.
I turned my attention back to him, visibly annoyed. Liam then looked at me and grabbed a hold of my hands, causing me to face him as he leaned closer to my face.
"Everything's going to be fine, you need to lighten up though, or you won't be able to enjoy it." He lightly whispered in my ear, his lips softly brushing my ear. His voice sounded like a sweet lullaby and I longed to hear it longer, but he snapped me out of my wishful thinking, lightly pulling my hand with his own.
When we made it to his car, Liam opened the passenger door for me and after both of us entered, Liam pulled out of the school parking lot, trailing behind Maxine's car. During the ride there, I couldn't help gazing at Liam. His face looked perfect like that of a supermodel.
His distracted eyes glowed brighter than gold which had enough blazing intensity to make the sun envious. His tanned and apparent smooth skin didn't take away from his muscular arms which showed through his gray shirt which looks pulled tightly to his skin.
Looking back at his face, I saw his hair was a perfect mess and added to his unique look that I've only now noticed in all the time I've known him. "Like what you see?" Liam's voice broke my train of thought and I could see him looking at me.
"N-No, I mean yes, I mean aren't you supposed to be driving?" I fussed, losing my words. "I was kidding, and we're parked gorgeous." Liam chuckled, smiling at me. "Whatever.." I covered my face which felt hot and I knew my face is red.
"I can't help it, I mean you're beautiful," I said softly, dropping my hands to look back at Liam who was shocked. "Does it look like I am beautiful? I am obviously handsome." I looked away embarrassed and clenched my fists. "Sorry I don't mean anything by it." I unbuckled myself and looked back at Liam, but he wasn't looking at me.
"No, of course, you didn't. Why would you?" Liam walked out his door upset, closing it behind him. "I messed up." I groaned. In my head, I was practically kicking myself for saying that knowing I should've left it at that, but I was honest to him... I can't think of him like that. He's my childhood best friend and a major playboy.
I got out of the car and made my way over to Maxine and the others which are the very same group of people I desperately want to avoid.
I distanced myself from everyone and tried to stay out of Peirce's line of sight during the time we browsed through the clothing stores in the mall. Trying hard to distract me, I scrolled through social media while everyone else continued through the stores.
After I came across a post of Peirce and Cherry kissing from earlier this month, I turned off my phone and rested my head on my arms with my hands covering my face. "Of course.." I hissed under my breath. "Of course what?" someone asked me.
Before looking up, I already knew it was Peirce. "Nothing.." I sighed, standing up. "If that's true then why do you seem upset?" Peirce pushed for an answer. "It doesn't matter." I snapped and moved past him. "Wait." Peirce grabbed my hand and looked me in the face. Right after I pulled my arm back, Liam came over and looked at Peirce.
"Is something going on?" He asked crossing his arms over his chest. "Nothing that involves you," Peirce says moving towards Liam. "Oh, is that so?" Liam replied sarcastically.
I threw myself in between them, pushing them both away from each other. "What is this about!?" I exclaimed, furiously. They both looked at each other still angry. Neither of them was going to back down, but why?