Near the practice grounds was a tower that was attached to the school, it was usually where the members of the Konoha Council, the Hokage, and another high-ranked citizen of Konoha would meet to discuss the younger generation.

There, Hiruzen watched with interest as Okabe and Guy fought, the pipe on his mouth puffing out smoke as he smiled seeing how the kids got so well with him despite his origin, no, it should be said that the reason they weren't at each other's throat was Okabe unusual behavior considering his birthplace, it was probably influence of Osaki or so he thought.

Even if he hadn't experienced the Jinshiro clan secret Kekkei Genkai personally, and only heard of it through Minato and Danzou, he could still remember how a few years ago his sensei, the Second, fought against him and had a really hard time, at that time Osaki was already a legend in the outer regions of the continent, he was famous for being a lazy but powerful swordsman.

Sighing due to the loss of such a powerful individual he frowned and turned to look at the man who approached with soundless steps.

"Hahaha! you're really getting better and better as time goes on, could it be that wisdom is truly acquired with time? You did well Hiruzen, this time you truly met my expectations. By making this kid willingly side with Konoha, we will become a much more powerful force in the future!"

"Danzou... ugh, just when I thought today would be peaceful and calm for once..." Hiruzen puffed out another puff of smoke and sighed as he leaned his back on the balcony and watched Okabe hit Guy on the head using his katana with the chakra blade technique in a way that completely removed the edges, making it a weapon of blunt damage.

The two watched for a few minutes without saying a single word, when the battle ended with Guy on the ground, both of them nodded to themselves, it was clear by this time that they were trying to assess his current strength.

"I'd say middle or upper genin, although his vitality is unnaturally higher than some at this level or his age should have."

Hearing Hiruzen's assessment of the boy, Danzou nodded. "It's probably due to whatever training that Osaki did with him, I only hope he received the secrete teachings of his clan, otherwise, it will take a long time until he re-develop the techniques for his Kekkei Genkai... Sigh, if only he wasn't a samurai, he would make a great asset for the root once matured... just imagine the possibilities for spying and gathering of intel, a Kekkei Genkai capable of manipulating both space and time... true invisibility, changing the flow of time or even traveling through it if he becomes strong enough... he could even become immortal if he takes his clan abilities seriously..."

"Danzou, I don't want to hear that you tried to influence that kid, the samurai had always followed closely the natural and spiritual ways, it's no wonder they had always lived more than other people and achieved such level of physical prowess, if you taint his ways, it could make his development even slower if not worse."

Danzou grunted and turned away. "So be it Hiruzen, but I would like to make a request."

"What is it?"

"I want him on Orochimaru's team after he graduates, if there's someone in Konoha that can help someone with a Kekkei Genkai, it's your old student." Leaving those words behind, his figure disappeared without any trace, almost as if he had ceased to exist.

Meanwhile, Guy who was now completely beaten up and dirt from the fight, panted heavily on the ground as he smiled from ear to ear. "Hiiii! THIS IS IT! I FOUND ONE MORE RIVAL!"

"Hum... this samurai is fucked." Aoba laughed as he heard his words. Unfortunately, he didn't notice he slipped an important piece of information that no one was aware of yet.

"Huh!? Say that again!" Anko grabbed him by the collar of his shirt making his glass dangle from one of his ears.

"What!? He's a samurai!?" Obito and every single kid asked startled, they couldn't believe what they had just heard!

"No wonder... no wonder he beat the crap out of Guy so easily..." Genma nodded to himself as if he had uncovered some sort of ancient secret, which ended up earning him a bunch of spiteful glares from his colleagues.

Unbeknownst to them their teacher, Akara Nara, observed the fight from afar on the orders of the Hokage, the objective was to assess Okabe's level and determine if there was anything that he had to be taught in order to become a shinobi, overall, from that fight, he could tell that Okabe's dexterity was much higher than most people's and that his chakra control and abilities could easily make him someone on the level of a Genin, the problem lied on the fact that Samurai didn't practice the ways of concealment and assassination, they were a prideful bunch that always faced their enemies head-on if they felt like they could, otherwise they would just run away or stall for time until his or her allies arrived.

Other than that, there was also the theoric part issue, he was pretty sure that Okabe knew nothing of the world outside of the Land Of Iron out of the most obvious things.

"Uhm? You guys didn't notice that from the way I used my sword?" Okabe asked as he heard the commotion over his identity.

"Uh... no, I mean, it's not like no one uses katana if they are shinobi, and we have our own version of chakra blade techniques, so it wasn't really obvious." Obito shook his head.

"Are you serious?" Okabe couldn't help but gasp at how little information those guys had about Samurais.


Okabe couldn't help but sigh as he leaned his back on the academy's fence, in his hand a pile of five books was held only by a rope wrapped around it. To think that such an aspect of his previous life would come back to haunt him despite now living in a ninja world.

He never thought he would have to study again, after all, his grandpa had only taught him to read and things about the Samurai, so it made sense that his new teacher Akara Nara, would ask him to study those books, the issue was... three months only to do it?

The amount of work he would have to put in order to finish his studies in time would most certainly make his head throb with pain.

As he thought about the matter, the same boy with black spiked hair he had seen before came out of the academy followed by a girl with brown hair.

"Ah, it's the new guy!" Obito jumped back as he pointed towards him with a face of shock.

The veins on Okabe's forehead popped up as he frowned. "Oi! If you know my name, use it! Are shinobi always this rude!?"

"Uhm... Oh, yeah! It's Jinshiro-san, isn't it?" Obito recomposed himself in a matter of seconds as he smiled and approached for a handshake. "The name's Obito, and she's Rin."

"Umu! Obito! Why do you always introduce me?! Let me do it at least once!" Rin pouted. Ever since they were small kids he had always done similar things, whenever they met new people he would always rush to introduce him and her.

"Oh? Are you okay?" Rin asked as she saw Okabe with a somber look on his face.

As he bit his lips, Okabe couldn't help but stare at Obito with a contorted face. Why!? WHY!? THIS GUY WAS EVEN MORE OF A WEIRDO THAN HE WAS IN HIS PREVIOUS LIFE, WHY IS HE SO LUCKY DESPITE NOT HAVING ANYTHING SPECIAL!?

Okabe grabbed Obito's shoulder, red light seemed to shine on his eyes as his face looked like that of a demon, then he asked with a voice that seemed to have come from the deepest parts of hell. "Obito you bastard! WHAT'S YOUR SECRET!?"

"AAAGH! I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT!" Obito cried as Okabe shook him desperately for an answer.

"Pfft! You boys are so weird, let's go eat on Ichiraku."

Before he noticed, both he and Obito were being dragged by the collar of their shirt towards the so-called 'Ichiraku'. But of course, the shock on his face couldn't be hidden after he experienced Rin's level of strength, how the hell was this girl capable of dragging two guys at once without even panting!?

"Rin! Please don't!" Just as Obito cried for mercy, she suddenly smiled and sped through the streets!

"What the hell!" The bystanders called out in surprise as they watched the wall of dust left behind by the girl running around while carrying two boys as if they were rag dolls that weighed nothing.

"AAGGH WE ARE SORRY!" Both Obito and Okabe cried at the same time, and that was how Okabe first experienced how scary a girl could be, especially one with mystical energies of fantasy worlds running through her veins.