Ichiraku ramen was a fairly popular place to eat street food in Konoha, it was definitely not the best one, but for the price, it was more than worth it. Okabe himself couldn't help but gulp as he looked towards that plate full of pasta and everything else that Naruto would always eat in some episodes.

He looked to the side and admired the scene of Rin and Obito eating before looking to his plate for a moment, for some reason though, he didn't felt like it was really a good moment. He had dreamed for the day he would visit Konoha and eat this food, but...

"Hm?" Rin turned to the left and was startled as she noticed a tear falling from Okabe's eyes. It wasn't just her, Obito also noticed it.

"Hey, are you okay?" Obito said. Everything was fine a few minutes ago so he couldn't understand.

Noticing what had just happened, Okabe cleaned his face and sucked a mouthful of air before tapping his hands together, and bowing slightly, silently enough so that no one would hear him, he whispered. "Mom, father, and grandpa... One day, I'll avenge you, this food that I'm eating, it was a dream for a long time, I want to share it with you so that you can feel its taste even in heavens!"

Nodding to himself, he took the Hashi and started eating. "Wow! This... this is amazing!"

Rin and Obito blinked their eyes without understanding what had just happened, but seeing the smile on his face as he ate, they chuckled and went back to eating.

It wasn't their fault, Okabe had decided a long time ago that such things were better buried in his heart, he was hurt many times before when he opened up to others and let all his feelings out. It was naive of him to think that someone would really care about his problems, after all, didn't everyone have their own problems to deal with?

"Okabe, how was it? To be a samurai, the land of iron... was it like here?" Rin asked after she finished her food. Unlike her peers, she was what people would usually call a bookworm, so she knew much more about the world and other places than most, but hearing from someone who lived that personally was an entirely different thing.

That was also the reason why Obito asked soon after. "Land Of Iron? Never heard of it, is it where samurai live?"

Okabe laughed slightly, this Obito was kind of an airhead probably, but he still acknowledged both of their questions. "Well, to be a samurai... is different than the shinobi way I think, our lives are ones ruled by tradition and spiritualism.

"In the morning we always pray for the protection of the spirits of nature, we always follow a very strict set of rules when it comes to our food, 'No wastes, we honor what nature provides us by making sure to use it well' it was what my grandpa used to say, after all, the land of iron is quite a harsh place to live, half of the year we are completely covered in snow so we don't have the luxury of saying that we didn't like the food or something similar. But I think the greatest difference is the atmosphere... here everything is colorful and happy, there it was always gray and not very lively."

"The samurai believe in many gods, isn't it? I read somewhere that you guys think that chakra wasn't the original gift. That... how was her name again..." Rin stopped for a moment. Despite reading so much, she couldn't remember everything perfectly, one of the downsides of studying too many subjects.

"Amaterasu... [Chuckles] She is the queen of Kami, the wife of Tsukuyomi. The elder scrolls of Shinto says that during the dawn of creation when the world had yet to hold any meaningful form of life in it, she bent the universe and used fragments of creation to create every living being we know, and her gift to her children was Reiki, the universal energy that bounded the universe in what it was, it's said that she dreamed of a day where her children would fully understand its nature and ascend to the level of a kami so that one day they could continue her legacy of creation..." Okabe started feeling nostalgic as he thought of this.

He still remembered how good those days were when he lived with his mother and father in the mountains, sometimes he could even swear he could feel her embrace during moments of happiness... Okabe couldn't deny anymore that he missed his family.

"Uh... I think my head is about to explode!" Obito stood up as he held his head. "Reiki, Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, this all looks like crazy talk to me!"

"Pfft! Wait till you hear about Budha and the way of Mahayana, ascension through enlightenment to achieve Nirvana!" Okabe laughed so hard his belly started to hurt.

"AAAAGGH! Stop! I study too much in the morning already! I don't want to be lectured just after eating!"

"Obito! That's why your grades are always below that of Kakashi!"

"...?" Okabe suddenly stopped, he pinched himself to make sure he wasn't hearing things... Did she really said... Kakashi?

It was finally making sense... A naruto world with samurais... a boy who looks just like naruto, but with black hair, and a girl who was also similar to sakura... could it be that this was really an alternate universe!

"No way!" Okabe suddenly stood up with his mouth opened in shock.

"What?" Obito asked.

But Okabe ignored him and turned to Rin, he grabbed her hands making her blush as she backed her face in surprise.

"Rin! Who's this Kakashi!?"

"Uhm? Y-you know him?" Rin asked surprised.

Before he could answer though, Obito jumped in the middle forcing Okabe to let go of her hands. "Stop holding hands damn it!" His face was completely red.

"I don't care about this, just tell me about this Kakashi!"

Obito and Rin looked at each other for a moment and shrugged, they couldn't understand what was going on, but it wouldn't hurt to tell him about their old friend.

"Kakashi is an old friend of ours! We used to hang out a lot some years ago."

"Really!?" Okabe couldn't help but look at him suspiciously.

Noticing the gaze he was getting, Obito frowned and asked with an enraged face. "Oi! What's the meaning of the look on your face! Do you mean I'm not good enough to hang out with him?! Then let me tell you that I will one day surpass Kakashi! It doesn't matter if he graduated first! I still have time to catch up to him!"

"Uh? Are you insecure about your talent or something? I never thought about what you said..." Okabe chuckled as he raised an eyebrow.

"You bastard! Fight with me!" Obito jumped and was about to try and hit him with a punch, but Rin's foot was faster and with a kick to his face he fell face-first on the ground.

"No, no! I don't want to see my friends fighting especially since this is the first time we are hanging out with Okabe."

Seeing the dark aura around her body, Okabe gulped and took a step back. "Ha... haha! S-she is right, let's us put our differences in the past, right? Obito?"

"Yauduhdhudha..." Obito murmured something while tried to stand up, but none of them managed to understand.

"Anyway, can you guys show me Kakashi?"

Contrary to his expectations, Rin shook her head. "We don't know where he is... Kakashi is always working, sometimes it takes months till he comes back, and he only stays for a few days..."


Rin nodded. He couldn't help but frown slightly hearing this, if Kakashi wasn't around with those guys, this probably meant he wasn't their teacher, besides... working for months? Just what exactly is he working with? If he didn't know him, he would think he was working for Ambu. Okabe chuckled with the thought and shook his head. Such a lazy guy would never work for them, it doesn't fit him.

"Hehehe!" Okabe suddenly laughed making both Rin and Obito look at him with an interrogation sign above their heads. "Ahh! How I wish you were here with me! This would be so much better with you around."

"Who are you talking ab-" Obito was about to ask after he stood up, but Okabe cut him.

"Anyway, it's already late, thanks for hanging out with me guys, it was really fun, I never did something similar when I was living with my grandpa, let's do this again another day, I have to go back now, I forgot to do my daily training! See you tomorrow!"

"Uh!? But-" Rin wanted to stop him, but he just left a bag with the money necessary to pay the bill for everyone on the table and dashed across the street so fast that neither of them was capable of following him. "- where do you live..."

Rin sighed... "You know what Obito... He somewhat reminds me of you." She shook her head and sighed with a small grin on her face.

"Rin... why are you bad-mouthing me..." Tears streamed down Obito's face as Rin laughed slightly.

She put her arm around his neck and screamed with excitement. "Yoshi! Let's go home, Obito! Your grandma will be worried if I take you back too late!"