Chapter 28: On The Run Again


'You have magical abilities? How awesome.'

Seamus had forgotten that Tom was hiding in the wagon behind him until the other boy spoke. 'Just a little,' Seamus answered. 'Not even enough to light a flame.'

'Still…' Tom's voice came from behind. Then, changing the subject he said, 'Funny that the princess ran away from her intended, and your sister did too. And they are both blonde with blue eyes.' If it were not for Tom's open and honest nature, Seamus would have believed he had actually put two and two together and come up with the truth.

'Maybe it is a sign people should stop arranging marriages for girls to suit their own ends, and let the girls choose,' Seamus responded.

'I agree,' Tom said. 'I am going to see my Maisie tomorrow, and I would not like it one bit if her father told her who to marry, even if it were me. Because I know Maisie would do the opposite just to spite him.' Tom then spent the next few candle-marks extolling the virtues of his fair Maisie.