Chapter 31: Magic Lessons


Seamus gnawed on his lip while he considered what he should tell Walter; about himself and about Aliah. Decision made, he took a deep breath and began.

'Up until Sunnydale I had been travelling with a girl. We told people she was my sister, but she wasn't. We were heading in the same direction and it suited us to travel together. We parted ways at Sunnydale. It seems the wizard last night could smell that I had been with her, and that is why he is looking for me.'

Walter raised his eyebrows and indicated that Seamus should continue.

'Her story is not mine to tell, and I will not betray her secrets. I will simply say that what she was doing was important for all of Aria, and she was brave to be doing it, if a little foolish in her approach.'

Seamus could not be sure, but it looked like Walter was holding back a chuckle. 'And you, young man, what is your story?'