Chapter 30: A Night In A Cellar


Seamus awoke as sunlight streamed down the stairs to the cellar. He blinked in the stark light as his eyes adjusted to the room, then groggily got to his feet. The morning light revealed two beds against the walls of the cellar, and he cursed himself for his stupidity at not lighting a match the night before. At the very least he could have slept in comfort.

'Apologies to you, I did not mean for you to stay here so long last night. There were patrols out on the street in larger numbers than normal all night, and there were definitely wizards with them.' The elderly man looked even older in the bright sunlight, after a sleepless night. 'I have coffee on the stove and breakfast cooking. No need to bring your bags up, we can sort them out later.'

Seamus stumbled up the stairs and followed his host into a room at the back of the house which, given the smells coming from there, was the kitchen.