Chapter 37: Who Are You?


'Sit down Princess.'

Aliah did not move a muscle.

'You're reacting rather than thinking again.' Boss looked keenly at her. 'That is no way to make important decisions.'

Aliah met his gaze for a moment, then sat back down. Boss had a very annoying habit of speaking to her conscience. 'I'm not sure what you can say that will change my mind, but I will hear you out.' She folded her hands on the table and glared at Walton… Walter.

'I am not going to justify my actions to you. I had good reasons for what I did. What I will do is ask you to think on something, and this was something I did not think about myself until recently, so take your time. Magic is not limited to men only, yet there are no women attending school on the Wizard Isle, and there are no women on the wizard council.'

Aliah frowned, but said nothing.