Chapter 39: Escape Below


Walter led Seamus out of the house and into the shadows of the darkened street. He stopped, muttered a few words in front of his door, then led him on through windy streets into what appeared to be the poorer section of town. Seamus followed silently, keeping to the shadows, until Walter signalled for him to stop. He waited while Walter crossed the street and disappeared into the courtyard behind a building. Hand on one of his knives, Seamus looked around for any movement that indicated they had been followed.

A few minutes later Walter signalled for him to cross the street. He did so as quickly as possible, nearly jumping out of his skin when a dog barked in a nearby building. Waiting, a few moments later the dog's owner yelled for it to stop jumping at shadows. Seamus carried on and Walter led him to the yard at the back of what looked to be a dye works. When they were inside he shut the gate and walked over to a large metal grate.