Chapter 62: A History of Magic On Hand


Duke Damon stood and looked down the table at the people assembled in front of him. 'Before we start, I want assurances from all of you what we discuss now will stay in this room.' They mumbled their agreement, except Aliah and Dominic.

'I am not sure we are able to do that, sir,' Aliah said. 'Our first allegiance is to Aria and the king, and we might feel it our duty to pass on something we discuss here.' 

Duke Damon nodded. 'Good. Forgive my little ploy, but I wanted to test your mettle. I need to know those of you I am not familiar with will speak honestly. How about we agree that before you pass on any information, you let me know what you intend to do first.'

Aliah and Dominic exchanged a glance before answering. 'That we can agree to do,' Aliah answered for them both.