Chapter 63: Prophecy Rears Its Head


Seamus could not wipe the grin off his face. There were other magic users in Hand, and together they might actually one day change how people on the island viewed him. Then Alpha brought him back down to earth.

'This is all very interesting, and I can see for your family it could be life-changing. But I don't understand why you needed Dominic and me here for this. Or even Walter, for that matter.' Aliah shuffled in her chair as if getting ready to stand.

'Please bear with us a moment longer, Aliahanna,' the duke requested. 'We have only a little more of our tale to go.'

Aliah fidgeted some more, huffed, then sat still with her hands folded on the table in front of her. In contrast, Seamus continued to sit rigidly in his seat. Although this was his family history, and perhaps their future, he could not escape the feeling this meeting was very important to everyone here, but he could not place his finger on exactly why.