Chapter 115: A Disturbing Dream


Amelia awoke in darkness, shaking, her body drenched in sweat. The door opened and she tensed under the bedclothes.

'Amelia, are you all right? You shouted out again. Are you having another bad dream?'

She relaxed as the welcome voice of Walter filled the blackness. 'Thank you, Walter, I am fine now.'

'Do you want to talk?'

She felt the weight of the bed shift as he sat beside her, then took her hand in his. 'No, really, I am fine.' The mattress moved as he made to stand. Changing her mind, she gripped him tightly. 'No, please do not go. I think maybe we should talk. You might be able to help me understand what is going on inside my head.'

Waiting until he settled back down, she continued. 'The last two nights the same dream haunted me, and I cannot let it go, not even during the day. I am unsure whether my dream is a seeing, or just my imagination creating nightmares.'