Chapter 150: A Parting Gift


'A fine mess you made of my lands,' the baron said as he dismounted with some difficulty, the stiffness of his movements indicating he was not entirely recovered from his encounter with Millard.

'Not me, I am afraid. It was the thief. He thought the casket's magic was better used to boost his own powers than passed on to the god.'

'That was a little foolish of him, and not so good for you.'

'No. Now I have to find a way to hold the god until I can figure out how to send him back.'

'So, I may be able to assist you in two ways again today.'

'Two ways? I am sorry, but I do not understand.'

The baron held out his hand. In the palm rested an amber glass vial, which he offered to Seamus.

'This is not the casket, but it may help. In addition to the minor skill of calling, my family's magical ability leans towards protection and wards, which is why we were given the casket to look after.