Chapter 148: I'm Glowing?


'He really is making a habit of fainting.'

'I know, Emer. Do you think we should point it out to him when he wakes?'

'Probably not a good idea. He is glowing after the explosion. There is no telling how that much energy might affect his mind … I would hate for him to blow up.'

'I can hear you.'

'Oh good, you are awake. Walter, he has come to.'

'No need to shout, Emer, I am right here.'

'Oh, sorry.'

Forcing his eyes open, Seamus found himself back by the fire. Someone had tucked him into a bedroll and he had snuggled down inside. The morning sun was just peeking through the trees, telling him he had been out for a few candle marks.

'How did I get back here? Did someone carry me up the tree?'

'Sometimes I wonder if you have the sense you were born with. After the explosion, there was no need to find a way over the fence. Millard's stupidity blasted a hole straight through it,' Emer responded.