Chapter 155: Banishing The God


Aliah grasped the sword in her hand, aware it was the only thing preventing her collapse. As she regained her balance, she found herself staring into Gaius' eyes.

Panic momentarily clouded her vision. Calming her breathing, she settled her nerves, and looked around. Still safe in the defensive circle, she was worried by the number of Baron Rasmussen's men who were now contained inside, injured and unable to re-join the battle.

There was only one layer of men desperately fighting to keep them safe while they dealt with the real threat to Aria. They needed to finish this soon or all would be lost. She turned back to Gaius.

'Gaius, no, there must be another way.'

'There is not, it is too late for me. I had hoped, but now I realise I was dead as soon as that monster took over my body. Maybe this is the true reason why I managed to stay alive? You have to do this. Either you do it and we win, or he wins and will kill me when he gets the chance to leave my body.'