Surprise or Surprised

*bell rings*

Though I woke up late, I managed to get in the class on time. My classmate, Jenny kept a seat for me. Our first period is History of English Literature. Although the lectures are quite boring but the professor is quite the devil. If someone is late even for a few seconds, he will put a demerit immediately. Now guess how many demerits I have gathered in these two years.

"What took you so long, Emmy?" Jenny put her bag aside to give me space to sit.

"My alarm went off. I made in time though." I motioned towards the empty teacher's spot.

"Just by luck."

"Results matter, not the procedure." I replied.

The class suddenly fell silent and I got chills on my back. I turned towards the whiteboard to meet the familiar figure, Mr. Cliff, the Demerit Santa. He grants demerits as if his family own them.

He looked at me with surprise, 'I didn't expect you to come early' written on his face clearly. I gave him a soft smile and he knew how genuine it was.

"Okay, everyone. As all of you are present, I will first make the announcement regarding your upcoming cultural event. Your seniors will be joining you all in your classes for now. A group of seniors and juniors will be created. After the holidays, a drama event will be performed. This will be further decided by your seniors who are leading the drama club. To help in your studies, seniors will join you from today onwards."

A group of seniors entered the classroom. The class suddenly became a cheering club. Most of the girls started squealing from their seats and all their excitement were for only one guy. The most handsome senior, Matt. Not only in looks but he is a legend for being the top in our college. There is even a fan-club specially made for him, 'Matt's Mates'.

He is cold towards everyone and he is quite an ass when he talks with girls. I don't know if it is his nature or a façade to maintain the cool image. But I find him pretty annoying.

"Everybody quiet. I am still here." Mr. Cliff screamed.

Again, the class became silent but still whispers were heard.

"Okay, now the seniors will choose the juniors they want to study with." Mr. Cliff informed.

All the girls started war. Just to get attention from their favorite man. Seniors started choosing Juniors one by one. They were seated together. It was now Matt's turn to choose. He looked over the remaining students. All looked like puppies, waiting to be pet by him, except me. He looked over again, and then motioned his finger towards me. I was bit confused with his choice so I turned back to see if someone else was standing. But no one else was there.

"Me?" I asked to confirm.

"Who else then?" He smirked.

A loud gasp escaped from my mouth. Obviously because I know what's coming for me now. I could feel daggers thrown at me from my fellow classmates. My college years are definitely pass peacefully. As if sensing my fears, Matt walked towards me. He took my arm and brought me to the empty seat. I could see him enjoying this way too much. He obviously knew that his behavior will create rumors and unnecessary riots, but he still did.

I glared at him.

"Why did you chose me? You do realize I am not much of a fan of your personality." I whispered to him.

"I know that by the look in your eyes. You don't like me and I am not asking you to like me either. I just don't want unnecessary clingy partner. And you, my dear, is the best choice." He replied.

I was about to reply when a text arrived on my phone. It was from John.

'I got my present. Thanks for the shoes. Wanted them for so long. Come back soon :)'

I smiled while reading it. I know how shoes are important for a football player and how he specifically wanted that for so long. I even worked as the librarian for extra payment cause the cost of the shoes were more than I could actually afford but I really wanted to give them to him with my own earnings. So, I didn't ask parents for extra money. I am glad he liked them.

"Your boyfriend?" Matt's voice interrupted my train of thoughts.

"Friend and none of your business." I replied.

The bell rang and the class ended.

"Give me your phone." Matt asked.

I looked at him with a blank face.

"You need my number to share your schedule." He replied.

"You can get our schedule from the class monitor."

"You are my partner not her. You should be glad I asked for your phone. Others would have killed to get my number."

"I am not others." I shoved the phone on his chest.

"Ya, right. That's one of the reasons why I chose you."


"Nothing. Number saved. Keep in touch. See you on Monday" He got up from his seat and left the classroom.

I didn't get the chance to mentally curse him when girls from back seats surrounded me. The thing that I dreaded, eventually came.

"Why did our Matt chose you?" one of them asked.

I want to know that too. Why did he choose me? Just to see me suffer mentally? Does he have some kind of weird fetish or something?

"I don't know. Ask him." I replied. The last thing I wanted was to be on the hitlist of crazy fangirls.

The day went by and the classes continued to go on. Finally all the classes were over and I had taken a leave from the library. I took a cab to reach home.

"I am home." I entered the house with a greeting. But the reply wasn't there. Where did John go?

I looked for him around the house. He was neither in his room nor the bathroom. Then I saw him emerging from my room.

"What were you doing in my room? I called for you." I asked not sure what he is upto.

"You came back? Welcome home." He replied.

"Thanks but that's not what I am asking though. Why are you coming from my room?"

"Uh-uh I couldn't find my phone. That's why I was looking for it in your room."

"Let me call you then. You didn't put it in silent right?"

I dialed his number and the phone started ringing from his pocket. He took out his phone and started laughing like a fool who was just caught lying. I stared at him waiting for him to explain.

"So, it was with me all along, Haha. I should have checked my pockets first. Silly of me."

"Currently the only plausible explanation, so I would force myself to believe that." I curved my lips into a fake smile.

"Enough of the talking, get ready or we will be late for the party." He pushed me inside my room.

"I can walk you know. No need to push me like a cart."

" You are nothing but a block of wood though." He shrugged.

" You better wish for a long life while blowing the birthday candles because I will kill you in your sleep."

"You won't do that."

"You bet?"

"Okay, okay You win and now please be quick."

"Just because you begged, I will try to be quick."

"Yes, Mam."

After 1 hour drive we reached our hometown. Our families were waiting for us in front of the porch. They welcomed with warm hugs and kisses. Apart from our families, some of our old high school friends came to visit us. One of them was Leo, John' ex boyfriend. Even though they had broken up, they are still good friends and still a bit cozy to each other. Our parent's doesn't have any idea about it. And John neither plans to tell them sooner.

After chatting with each one of them and telling them all about the college life, we sat for dinner. It was a small but lively dinner. John cut the cake and received gifts from the family. We were all quietly enjoying the food when Leo broke the silence.

"So, John. Are you seeing someone in college?"

Everyone now looked at John waiting for him to answer.

"Not anyone in particular, but I think there is certain someone who can talk about her love life." John motioned his fork towards me.

I was confused.

"How come I don't know about my non existent love life?"

"Now, now Emmy. Don't be shy. Tell us. We support you." My mom winked at me.

"It's not that I don't want to tell you. It's just that I don't have any. Ask the one who made up the story."

"If you insist. I just found out that Emmy has this crush on certain someone from elementary school" John said.

I choked on the water when I heard what he just blurted out. Holy crap. Did he just discover my secret crush on him?

"What are you saying? Don't make stories in your head John." I responded pretending to be calm.

"No it's not my imagination. I saw the box in your room today. There were handwritten letters for your crush. There you had written how beautiful he looked with his school uniform, how his hair would play with the wind, and many more." John said.

I was dumbfounded. I felt like the world was spinning. Leo frowned at me the whole time. He knew that I had feelings for John and I begged him to keep it as a secret.

"What is the name of her crush?" Leo asked, looking at me with a sinister smile.

He was feeling happy seeing me suffer like that. I was sweating the whole time. I felt like something precious was slipping out of my hands. All these time I had tried to keep it as a secret. I didn't want him to know because I never wanted him to feel uncomfortable around me. How I wish everything was a bad dream. Now, I can't even find any excuses to cover up my secret.

"Shall I tell his name, Emmy?" John whispered in my ears.

I looked at him with surprise. Did he actually find out my secret? Will this be the end of our friendship?