Chapter 9

A beep from my phone signaled that my alarm is going off and I have five minutes before my impending meeting with Drake. For the last two minutes, I have been standing in front of the mirror in our common bathroom, assessing the damage inflicted on my face, from what felt like hours of crying.

I have a tender puff beneath my eyes and a little flush in my cheeks. Nothing a little amount of makeup can't hide. Although it wrecks my earlier intention of keeping makeup as light as possible. But, whatever, better than roaming around flaunting the remnants of my breakdown.

What I can't hide is the redness of my eyes. But since there is nothing I can do, there is no point in stressing about it. And I can always make up some lie for that.

After I had concealed the last traces of my cry fest, I examined my handwork closely. I was looking pretty. A little sensuous actually with the half smoky eyes makeup I had done. I was like a demure statuesque from the outside, while on the inside, I was feeling torpefied. As if someone had drugged and brutally beaten me, making my limbs go all weak. I was barely holding myself straight.

However, does it matter how I feel? I gotta do what I need to. And it's all good until it is not visible on my unfortunately pretty face.

I took my black hoodie sprawled across the bed. Night breeze in Bay Shore can be a little chilly and I would like to not freeze in that. I shrugged the hoodie as I left the dorm room to wait for Drake downstairs. I left the front zip open and shoved my hands in its pocket.

As my feet hit the last set of stairs, I glanced up to see Drake standing just outside the entrance, his gaze already fixated on me.

He was wearing a white T-shirt and worn denim jeans that were perfectly accentuating his lean waist. And a baseball cap, hiding the black waves on his head. My steps faltered a little as I appreciated my view of him for a moment.

"Hey", I said with a small smile gracing my lips.

When his eyes widened a little, realization struck me hard, it's the first time I have ever smiled at him. And oddly I felt good rather than freaking out by it.

Maybe I am still in the high of emotional overdose.

"Hi", his grin spilled out oozing his boyish charms effortlessly that made some girls lurking in the corridors stop in their tracks. "You're looking beautiful today", he said.

"Oh", I said waiting for the heat to flush my cheeks. But queerly it didn't come. "Thanks", I said and joined him on the outside. I did a little sweep of the area but can't find his car. "Are we going to take my car?", I asked, "'Cuz I didn't bring my keys. I will have to run upstairs then."

He replayed my words for a moment and then said, "No. I was thinking since we have no idea where we should go for this exploration thing or what we have to do, we can simply walk around a little. That is if you're up for it. Otherwise, I will make you wait for five minutes and run to bring my car."

I looked at the bright azure, sun was still sitting brazenly in the midst of it but soon it will be twilight and crisp zephyrs will commix with the soft parting rays of the sun. How can I say no to walk in that?

"I'd love that", I said with a bright smile that felt alien even to me. Still, I didn't give it any second thought and turned to start my stroll down the pathways. Drake joined me after just a few steps.

"You're in a good mood today", he stated.

Ha! Am I?

"Maybe", I replied with a casual shrug.

We have walked for a good fifteen minutes when a thought crossed my mind and I spewed it before I can think it through, "How did you know which dorm I live in?"

Drake let out a laugh that washed over me like a warm blanket. I soaked it to my pores. He looked at me with blue eyes twinkling in amusement, "Don't you think it's a little too late for asking that?"

This time my cheeks get heated and I averted my eyes. Now I am feeling lame for asking that. Should have kept my big mouth shut, I thought.

"I knew where Cassie Brooke lives", he explained, "and since you two are joined at hips for most of the time and commute together, I made a wild guess. And bingo. See, I hit the jackpot."

I gave him a wry but amused look, "I have to admit it was kind of genius but what if your shot in the dark would've gone completely off the mark."

He contemplated my words and frown lines marred between his brows, "Duh, I didn't think that through."

Now this time it was my turn to laugh, and I let out a full-on belly laugh. It was cute how his lips puckered in an almost pout. I have always found it amusing when guys grimace and pout. So unchartered of their territory that makes it more adorable.

Even more so than that, I was feeling exceptionally laid-back. I didn't know this, walking around without any purpose, lightly ribbing with someone, was what I needed. I felt buoyant and upbeat like finally, I was free.

I glanced at Drake and all the playfulness for moments ago left me, as I saw the dark look he was giving me. His gaze piercing into me taking in every inch of my face, exuding something eerily carnal that sent shivers down my spine. I swallowed hard because the look he was giving me was making me scared and weirdly excited at the same time. Little swirls of fluttering started taking place in the bottom of my gut. And that excitement, right there, was what made the fear even worse.

What the hell is wrong with me?

I looked away to break that eccentric contact and focused on the desolated path we were walking on. We have come to one of the trails I use for running every morning, so I have an idea where we are going but I decided not to comment on that. This trail is broad enough for four people to run in a line, skirted with weeping trees and golden curls willows on both sides. And besides some occasional runners, no one comes on this trail. Perfect place for something to happen and no one would ever know if we don't tell----

Whoa! Where did that thought come from?

"What are you thinking?", Drake asked startling me even more. I looked at him and he was still watching me, but this time his features had a hint of amusement in them as if he knew what just went through my mind. Maybe he does. Considering I don't have a poker face for shit. Still, no way in hell am I telling what I was thinking.

"Nothing", I replied a little too faster and glanced away choking the urge to scowl at myself.

There was a pause for a while. I can feel Drake's gaze fixated on me but I chose to ignore that until he said, "I need to tell you something, Grace. I was hoping I can put it off for a while longer. But it seems that I can't." He stopped in his tracks and making me stop too and turn to him.

The wind picked up as I tipped my head back to look at him. He swallowed hard looking at me with a desperate expression like he wanted to devour me whole that made the swirling in my gut go haywire. And I subtly took a deep breath to calm my nerves.

"Maybe you shouldn't say", I muttered knowing damn well where this is going.

He clenched his hand and shoved them in his pocket as he looked away. His Adam's apple bobbing up and down and my eyes following their every move. "I can't", he said and then turned to me with a dark gaze that made all the blood in my body rush south. "I can't not say anymore."

He took a step closer, not quite touching but still making it hard for me to breathe. "I like you, Grace. Hell, like is very weak of a word for what I feel for you. The way you make me feel it's...…it's insane. Nothing like I've ever felt before." He let out a hollow laugh and took one more step closer just a few inches shy of my breasts touching his chest, "I know it sounds cliché and all. And believe me, sometimes my feelings for you frustrate the hell out of me too but the reality is, I was a goner the moment I saw you in that black hoodie and faded jeans with your golden curls hanging on one side of your shoulder."

He fingered the few tendrils of my hair that were hanging out and kept looking at them as he continued. His voice dropping low with a husky timbre, "The way your stormy gray eyes were wide in excitement with a shadow of lingering fear in them. The way you looked at me and then disregarded like I was some insignificant trash kept in your way", he turned those ocean blues my way that looked like there was a tempest brewing in them, "I knew right then, you were going to bring me to my knees."