Dr's Are Sexy Ass Hell

Mai: B? B can you hear me?

Claire: yeah...yeah I can hear y....

Wait I got to call Don back. I have to tell her to follow the ambulance

Omg I have to...

Mai: Hey...hey let me

Please sit down you look like you're about to faint

I'll call Don

Sit for a minute, I'll call Don and then I'll change quickly we follow them there ok?

Claire: ok

Mai: ok

I could hear her calling Don from the bathroom

Was this happening? I mean if this is a dream I need to wake THE F UP, LIKE RIGHT TF NOW.

No no no no I couldn't sit still any longer

Claire: I got to go Mai

Mai: I'm done

They're at Saint Marie's

The ride to the hospital was mostly silent apart from Mai cursing at people who drove too slow

She was just as stressed as I was

My mom wanted to die? How Could she? Why would she? Did that woman even think about me? At all

And I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't hear Mai tell me we'd arrived.

Mai: Fuck B you're ok...please just stay calm, I'm sure everything's ok

Claire: Me too

The hospital was busy as usual

But I went straight for the doctors office

I knew the man. Nice man

He'd like my mom ever since I knew him

But my mom was ...well my mom

She never accepted to go on a date with him

She was more of into dangerous guys and shit

So now I'm at his office begging God to just let this man tell me my mother's gonna be ok

Dr Fred: Hi Beaufort? If I'm not mistaken?

How are you doing?

How's your mom?

Ummm is everything ok you look like you've been crying?

Is everything ok?

See what I mean? The guys nice

And that's something

But why didn't he know about my mom tho?

Claire: my mom was brought in here an hour ago?

Overdose I think?

I need to know if she's ok?

Dr Fred: what? No

I mean maybe

My duty started forty-five minutes ago

I just got here

Claire: could you check

Everyone seems really busy and I...I...I don't know what to do

I couldn't stop the tears at this point

So he just came around his desk and hugged me for a few seconds and then told me he wouldn't let anything happen to my mom even if his life depended on it

That was a little bit of a relief

Mai: hey, talk to us

What's going on?

Claire: I just spoke to doctor Fred and he's gonna inform me if my mom's doing ok!

Don: She's a strong woman B, she'll be ok

Zoe: Don's right B and plus you got us

We're not going anywhere ok?

Claire: Thanks guys I really appreciate it

Mai: of course

Do you need anything

Some water? A coffee maybe while we wait?

Claire: Yeah thanks

A water would be great thanks

Mai: Guys? Y'all want anything?

Don: nothing for me.

Z? Want something?

Zoe: yeah I'll take a water thank you Mai

Mai went off to get us something

And we just sat at the reception waiting, hoping for news.

Good news of course

And then I saw doctor Fred coming up to us

My heart stopped for a minute

Something didn't feel right

Oh God please let my mom be ok

Please God, please

Dr Fred: Claire? Could I have a private word?

Claire: Sure Ummm....guys I'll be right back

Tell Mai I'll be back ok

Don: ooook

I followed doctor Fred into his office and he turned around to look at me with so much sadness in his eyes I just knew for a fact my mom was gone

I broke down in tears

He hugged me

For a good five minutes

And then he said

Dr Fred: I have some not so good news Claire. Do you wanna sit?

Claire: No...no just Ummm...just tell me?

Dr Fred: Your mom ummmm...

Claire: She passed didn't she? Is that it?

Huh? She took all those pills and died?

Dr Fred: Claire listen.....

Claire: what kind of mother does that? Just abandons thier child huh?

Dr Fred: please just listen...your mom didn't...

Claire: She should rot in hell

I don't care

Do I look like a need a mom like her anyway?

Dr Fred: die...

Claire: wait what?

Dr Fred: your mom's alive Claire

Claire: she is? Can I....can I see her?

Dr Fred: that's the thing Claire, she is Ummm.... alive...but barely

Claire: barely? What does that mean?

Dr Fred: your mom's in a comma

I'm so sorry but we've put her on life support

Claire: oh?

Dr Fred: I'm very positive that things in the upcoming days would be better....

Do you wanna maybe see her?

Claire: No...I don't think that's gonna help anyone

Dr Fred: Claire please just.....

I walked away

My mind blank

All thoughts eluded me

So I just went back to my friends and told them we needed to head home

Thankfully they read the room and didn't ask any questions

As we stepped out of the hospital, I saw him...HIM!

The son of a bitch that caused all this


I closed my eyes and when I opened them back up I saw from the corner of my eye Mai, Mai had lunched at him and she was beating at his chest with all the strength she had

I closed my eyes again and when I opened them back up I was home....in my bed

Wait hold up

What the actual fuck!!!!