Meeting Blessing

The school bell rang out now, signifying the end of the normal class activities for those who had normal classes. Or at least, it was the significance of the end of the school hours now. The visitors or those who had come to pick their wards could not move towards the school blocks for the business which they had come for. Or at least, those who wanted to get to the teacher's room could do so now.

However, that did not expressly mean that those who still had papers could be reached now. It was for only those who had finished their papers who could have people coming to their classrooms or going into other similar classrooms. For those classes which were yet to conclude their papers, the area around them would be secluded from the rest of the school. And oftentimes, there would be a security guard who would be posted along the entrance of the door, or the corridor of such a class to ensure that no one else would go by that way or interfere with the proceeding of the class, regardless of what happened.

Lekan was not a student of this school but from the stories he had heard from Blessing, he pretty much knew what would happen. In other words, he knew that this would mean that he would not go to the classes where the students were.

Knowing this, he knew now that it would even be difficult to locate Blessing now. It was because once the students were free to cog in and visitors were free to come in, the school would quickly skyrocket into a beehive of traffic, traffic in which finding Blessing would be a nightmare to him.

He would have to compete with others for passage rights, gently shove against some people who might want to get the best of him by throwing their bodies in his path. It was the regular school norm here and it did not matter whether or not you were a student or a visitor in the school. As long as you were caught up in the rush hour of the school traffic, things often went south, pretty much fast.

His last experience of that had not been so fine. Or at least, the last experience which Blessing had shared to him had not gone fine. It was a story of how fight broke out between some students and a visitor in the school. And not willing to experience something like that now that I was here, Lekan decided to stay put.

Soon, he comforted himself, Blessing would be with her phone and then he would be able to call her. But then, when she would be with her phone, he did not know. Talk less of the fact whether or not she was even true with her papers.

If the latter was the case, Lekan sighed now even as people began to rise from the waiting side and walk into the waiting seats at the reception, then it would be a largely uncomfortable waiting day. Plus, even if he did see her, he was sure that she would be far spent and really wary of everything that the only thing which would be expressed on her face and language would be for them to go home. The same home which he was out, seeking for some kind of relief from.

"Where!' Lekan sighed and then looked to the right hand as a somewhat chubby student slammed his bum hard on the seat with a chuckle.

The boy had specs on and he was jeering at the other student, which in comparison to him was way thinner, who was holding onto a sling bag of black and another bulky bag, which Lekan assumed it to be the bag of none other person than the one who had just sat down now.

Lekan frowned. He was familiar with things like this. Inarguably, this one who sat by his side would be none other than the bully of the other student. But he had to caution himself not to interfere, no matter how boiling the whole scenario made him into.

This was not his school, Lekan affirmed to his instincts, he had to ignore this. After all, in his own school, it was not like he was some kind of messiah, so this was not even something he had to be looking into.

Just then, the bully looked his way and grinned, showing off some braces in his dentition. He shrugged and then patted to the space beside him,which was between himself and Lekan, with one more seat after that, signifying for the other one who came and sat down. Seeing this, Lekan was of double mind now, the bullies he knew would not offer seats to their victims. Or were things somewhat different here? He ordered.

But then just as he did that, he came on the realization that things would be different here, only because of the fact that they were close to the gate and not somewhere else in the school. There were the security guards there, who would undoubtedly down against acts of this and then the parents who were all about, watching how other children went about their own activities even as they waited for their wards. If anything looks suspicious to the parents, then the guards would be sure to step in, all in a bid of eye service just to impress the parent of the school's standard on matters such as this.

Still, it was not his business. Lekan sighed and then dug his hand into his pocket now. He would have to mind his business. And as he came to that thought now, his finger latched onto something metallic now. Curiously, he brought it out of his pocket and then watched it before his eyes. It was the ring he had gotten from the lawyer as his father's will to him.

The ring which came with a note on which he had to master a power.

"Heyyyyy!" A sharp voice sounded off now.

And before Lekan could even look up, the body of a female student had slammed into him.