Good News!

"Tell me," Varun said with a slight smile. Somya found herself lost in his smile. Somya can't help but open her heart a bit for him.

"Aarth was diagnosed with the disease last year. When he got diagnosed ... I felt wronged in his place.

There are so many evil people living happily and fully for so long on the earth. Why doesn't God choose them? Why does he love to take good people with him first? It's really unfair.

Tell me, Varun, isn't there a phrase, 'What we reap is what we sow'? What does that child reap to sow something like this?

Do you know what is scarier than dying?

It is knowing beforehand that you are going to die soon.

The wait for death to come and take a life is something much scarier than death itself. A person who is suffering from a terminal disease wants nothing more than either living an ordinary life like others or dying early without waiting for their time to be over.

It really feels the longest yet the shortest wait of the life." Somya's voice turned hoarse by the end.

When she turned to question him, he saw tears glistering in her eyes.

Varun felt like a needle pricked his heart. He doesn't know why but his heartbeats suddenly started behaving strangely by looking into her eyes.

"Sorry, I am a bit emotional fool. I love that child too much. That's why..." with that, she kept wiping her eyes with her handkerchief.

Varun doesn't know how to console her at all. He just kept staring at her silently. Somya was aware that it's already been more than few minutes since they had parked the car in front of her house, therefore she waved goodbye at him and got out of the car.

Varun neither stopped her nor replied to her goodbye. He was busier in clarifying things in his mind.

After some time, when he felt himself staring at her door for more than 5 min, he fired up the engine and left for his house.

When Somya reached into her room, she sighed in relief. She knew if she had spent some more time in the car, then Varun might have start doubting her.

She quickly changed and went to the balcony. She sat there on her chair while hugging Rocky tightly to her chest and staring at the Moon, in hope, that this will lessen her anxiety.

But tears are not stopping at all. Somya really loved that child so much that she can't help but question God.

'Why? Why God, Arth has to suffer the same fate as me. He is just a small boy.'

It's been 4yrs since Somya was diagnosed with a terminal illness. She doesn't have much time left. Her family, when got to know about this, felt helpless, depressed and miserable.

She had personally watched her parents living in agony and distress for her every day.

Death isn't scary for her at all. What scares her the most is the sorrow on her parent's faces.

She made them quiet and didn't let them tell this to anyone else because it already hurts like hell to her. Watching her parents worry and pained, she doesn't want to see more on other people's faces.

When she gets to know about her illness, she decides to live her life to the fullest and spread love wherever and whenever she can.

Like others, she doesn't concentrate on earning money because she knows she does not have the luxury to enjoy it. Rather than that, she chooses to enjoy making everyone happy near her.

That's why she never holds back whenever she felt like helping someone.

It's the same reason she befriended Varun.

He has a long life to live. Why wasting this by living like this? She knows there must be some reasons for him to be like this. She wanted him to realize that there is still a long way to go, things can still work, you can still smile, laugh, sing or dance happily. It's never too late to live happily ever after.

When it comes to her, she can accept the fact that she had already lived for 23 yrs therefore it's not very bad to leave the world early under God's call, but she can't think the same for Artg. That cute little boy, who always calls her aunty so cheerfully, who had always been a small ball of energy, to die so early. She fails to pacify herself for this, but she can't do anything for him too. So she can only cry while complaining to the Moon.

Varun was watching her since the time she sat there, crying endlessly for half an hour already. He thought if he didn't stop her, she doesn't seem to have any plans of stopping.

So he pulled his phone out of his pocket and called an unknown number. The call got picked on the last ring because the number's owner was busy wiping her tears and checking her voice before picking up the call.

Somya picked the call, "Hey!" It was surprising that Mr. Angry Young Man is calling her.


"What's up?"


With that, the conversation went dead.

Varun was thinking very hard for something to say as he was the one who called her.

He finally got something to say, "I have good news for you?"

"Are you getting married and planning on making me your priest," Somya teased him while smiling, finally like her usual self.

Seeing her smiling, Varun finally sighed in relief.



"Can you give me the number of your little friend's father? I need some information regarding the boy's health and treatment."

"What do you mean? Why do you want that?"

"I...talked to my superior. Your little friend could be saved, as long as we try. You don't have to worry about the treatment charge, my hospital will pay for it. "

"WHAT? REALLY? Are you really talking about Arth? Are you serious? You aren't kidding, right?

"Yes, I am absolutely serious. Now send me Arth's information details so that I can proceed it further."

"Right away!

YAHOO! Varun, I am blessed to have you as my friend. Take my bow, buddy. You are super generous."

~It happens like this.

One day you meet someone

and for some inexplicable reason,

you feel more connected to this stranger

than anyone else in the world~