Evocation of the Idealty

Fausto continues on his path with a strange sense of deja vu, suddenly, he catches a glimpse of a girl running pass him. However, it isn't someone he recognizes, "Must be some girl running late to a night class or something", he thinks to himself. He begins to get a pain in his stomach that eventually turns into nausea. It could of been something that he has eaten but something seems off. He can't remember what he has eaten the whole day or actually, how far away from the dorm he was. Fausto just knew that he had to get back to his dorm and catch some sleep. But he didn't feel particularly tired, he just had the idea that it was a long day at college.

He made his way to the college dorm with an unnerving flow of dread following him. His chest begins to feel as if it is tightening up and his knees start to buckle. The skin on his palms feel dry and heavy, this causes him to scratch them but when he dragged his nails against his hand, Fausto feels that he is tearing away at a small film covering the skin of his palm. At first he doesn't know how to react to his skin shedding, all he can do is just make a horrified face. The smooth grooves that make up his palm become more prominent and all the more strange when he touched them. It was almost as if his hands were beginning to form small canyons and mountains. "I'm becoming part of this world?", he thinks to himself.

Even though Fausto found disgust in that thought, he couldn't help but to be encapsulated by the sensations of his hands. He just stopped walking all together and was just standing in the middle of the asphalt path like a weirdo. Suddenly, any little sound that was created by his environment became so violently deafening. The small winter breeze created a cacophony of the wilderness.

The nausea only became more intense, with sweat starting to cover his body the more uncomfortable Fausto became. "I have to get home right now!", he thinks to himself as he runs back to his dorm.

Even though he makes it back to the dorm, he feel as if the night was becoming darker than usual and that he ran all night. But oddly, enough, when he gets back to his dorms. All the peculiarities stop. Nothing, no strange sensations, no strange thoughts, no loud sounds. The warm glow of the dorm's lobby incandescent lights filled Fausto's lung with ease. There was still a considerate amount of people around the lobby, talking and enjoying their monday night with friends.

"What the hell was that all about?", Fausto thinks to himself, "Rachel? What does that name all I am thinking about?" With the utter of the name, the memory of the awkward kiss between them comes flooding back to his head but they feel as if they aren't actually his memories. Instead, it's as if someone put them in his head.

"You saw something you weren't suppose to see", calls out a voice. Fausto whips his head around to see where that voice is coming from.