The Giant's Shadow

Fausto looks around him, trying to look for the voice but none of the student's face's match the voice that he has heard. The voice has the ring of something familiar to Fausto but he can't quite put his finger on where he's heard it before. He thinks to himself, "I can't tell what is happening anymore... this can't be real. The name Rachel, it belong to that girl? But it feels like I've known that girl for years." As Fausto begins to be lost in thought he begins to notice that all the student's face's in the lobby start to become off. At first it was something like a weird stain on their faces, almost as if they had food stuck on their faces but slowly their facial features melted off of their heads. This continue until their faces were left of nothing but a combination of flesh and craters of where their eyes and mouth use to be.

A sharp pain became to attack Fausto in his stomach again. "Hurry up and get out of here, you jackass. You need to go up to your room... I'll meet you there", the mysterious voice ranged out. This time around, it felt like the voice's vibration had traveled through Fausto's body and caused his bones to vibrate. Mixed with curiosity and fear, he began to make his way to the elevator. All the shapeless faces around him began to feel as if they were no longer human but instead just objects of some precognitive creation. Fausto bumped into one those of creatures and when he did, the husk became transparent. His hand was able to pass through the thing like it was a ghost.

When he finally got to the elevator, the thing was completely empty and Fausto became fearful that maybe the elevator wasn't working. But when stepped in and pressed the elevator button, he became relieved because despite of how empty it was, it was still working. But a thought came across his head, it felt as if the elevator was there waiting specifically for Fausto and that maybe the thing was going to take him to a completely different messed up place. But really, it was his only chance of moving forward in this strange ass place of wherever he was.

Suddenly, the elevator makes a stop and the doors slowly creep open but it's not Fausto's floor. A rather tall man stand on the other side of the elevator doors, he smiles and waves at Fausto. Weirded out, Fausto awkwardly waves and smiles at the man. Even though elevator's stop and the man stands there uncomfortably waving at Fausto, the elevator shows no signs of moving anymore. After a couple of more seconds of awkward smiling and waving, Fausto cautiously reaches for the elevator button. However, before he can touch any of the buttons, the door begin to close but the man outside of the elevator reaches out to grabs the door. Fausto notices how strange the man's fingers are, they are elongated and virtually have no fat to them.

The man walks into the elevator and shows his true stature to Fausto. He could easily be over 7 feet and weigh less than 150 pounds. The man looks like a walking, giant skeleton.